An Implementation of a Configurable UART-to-Ethernet Converter

This paper presents an implementation of a configurable UART-to-Ethernet converter using an ARM-based 32-bit microcontroller as well as a dedicated configuration program running on a PC for configuring the operating parameters of the converter. The program was written in Python. Various parameters pertaining to the operation of the converter can be modified by the configuration program through the Ethernet interface of the converter. The converter supports 3 representative asynchronous serial communication protocols, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 and supports 3 network modes, TCP/IP server, TCP/IP client, and UDP client. The TCP/IP and UDP protocols were implemented on the microcontroller using an open source TCP/IP protocol stack called lwIP (A lightweight TCP/IP) and FreeRTOS, a free real-time operating system for embedded systems. Due to the use of a real-time operating system, the firmware of the converter was implemented as a multi-thread application and as a result becomes more modular and easier to develop. The converter can provide a seamless bridge between a serial port and an Ethernet port, thereby allowing existing legacy apparatuses with no Ethernet connectivity to communicate using the Ethernet protocol.

The Electronic and Computer-Aided Periodic Table Prepared for the Visually Impaired Individuals

Visually impaired individuals cannot lead their lives as comfortable as others. Therefore, new applications are being developed every passing day in order to make their lives easier. In this study, an electronic and computer-aided audio device was developed with the aim of making the learning of the periodic table easier for the visually impaired. In this device, a board includes buttons for each element of the periodic table. After pressing a button, the visually impaired individual not only hears the name of the element but also feels with his/her hands where that specific element is located.