Fast Calculation for Particle Interactions in SPH Simulations: Outlined Sub-domain Technique

A simple and easy algorithm is presented for a fast calculation of kernel functions which required in fluid simulations using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) method. Present proposed algorithm improves the Linked-list algorithm and adopts the Pair-Wise Interaction technique, which are widely used for evaluating kernel functions in fluid simulations using the SPH method. The algorithm is easy to be implemented without any complexities in programming. Some benchmark examples are used to show the simulation time saved by using the proposed algorithm. Parametric studies on the number of divisions for sub-domains, smoothing length and total amount of particles are conducted to show the effectiveness of the present technique. A compact formulation is proposed for practical usage.

The Sublimation Energy of Metal versus Temperature and Pressure and its Influence on Blow-off Impulse

Based on the thermodynamic theory, the dependence of sublimation energy of metal on temperature and pressure is discussed, and the results indicate that the sublimation energy decreases linearly with the increase of temperature and pressure. Combined with this result, the blow-off impulse of aluminum induced by pulsed X-ray is simulated by smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The numerical results show that, while the change of sublimation energy with temperature and pressure is considered, the blow-off impulse of aluminum is larger than the case that the sublimation energy is assumed to be a constant.