Automatic Motion Trajectory Analysis for Dual Human Interaction Using Video Sequences

Advance in techniques of image and video processing has enabled the development of intelligent video surveillance systems. This study was aimed to automatically detect moving human objects and to analyze events of dual human interaction in a surveillance scene. Our system was developed in four major steps: image preprocessing, human object detection, human object tracking, and motion trajectory analysis. The adaptive background subtraction and image processing techniques were used to detect and track moving human objects. To solve the occlusion problem during the interaction, the Kalman filter was used to retain a complete trajectory for each human object. Finally, the motion trajectory analysis was developed to distinguish between the interaction and non-interaction events based on derivatives of trajectories related to the speed of the moving objects. Using a database of 60 video sequences, our system could achieve the classification accuracy of 80% in interaction events and 95% in non-interaction events, respectively. In summary, we have explored the idea to investigate a system for the automatic classification of events for interaction and non-interaction events using surveillance cameras. Ultimately, this system could be incorporated in an intelligent surveillance system for the detection and/or classification of abnormal or criminal events (e.g., theft, snatch, fighting, etc.). 

Efficient Mean Shift Clustering Using Exponential Integral Kernels

This paper presents a highly efficient algorithm for detecting and tracking humans and objects in video surveillance sequences. Mean shift clustering is applied on backgrounddifferenced image sequences. For efficiency, all calculations are performed on integral images. Novel corresponding exponential integral kernels are introduced to allow the application of nonuniform kernels for clustering, which dramatically increases robustness without giving up the efficiency of the integral data structures. Experimental results demonstrating the power of this approach are presented.

Scene Adaptive Shadow Detection Algorithm

Robustness is one of the primary performance criteria for an Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system. One of the key factors in enhancing the robustness of dynamic video analysis is,providing accurate and reliable means for shadow detection. If left undetected, shadow pixels may result in incorrect object tracking and classification, as it tends to distort localization and measurement information. Most of the algorithms proposed in literature are computationally expensive; some to the extent of equalling computational requirement of motion detection. In this paper, the homogeneity property of shadows is explored in a novel way for shadow detection. An adaptive division image (which highlights homogeneity property of shadows) analysis followed by a relatively simpler projection histogram analysis for penumbra suppression is the key novelty in our approach.

Shadow Detection for Increased Accuracy of Privacy Enhancing Methods in Video Surveillance Edge Devices

Shadow detection is still considered as one of the potential challenges for intelligent automated video surveillance systems. A pre requisite for reliable and accurate detection and tracking is the correct shadow detection and classification. In such a landscape of conditions, privacy issues add more and more complexity and require reliable shadow detection. In this work the intertwining between security, accuracy, reliability and privacy is analyzed and, accordingly, a novel architecture for Privacy Enhancing Video Surveillance (PEVS) is introduced. Shadow detection and masking are dealt with through the combination of two different approaches simultaneously. This results in a unique privacy enhancement, without affecting security. Subsequently, the methodology was employed successfully in a large-scale wireless video surveillance system; privacy relevant information was stored and encrypted on the unit, without transferring it over an un-trusted network.