DSLEP (Data Structure Learning Platform to Aid in Higher Education IT Courses)

The advances in technology in the last five years allowed an improvement in the educational area, as the increasing in the development of educational software. One of the techniques that emerged in this lapse is called Gamification, which is the utilization of video game mechanics outside its bounds. Recent studies involving this technique provided positive results in the application of these concepts in many areas as marketing, health and education. In the last area there are studies that covers from elementary to higher education, with many variations to adequate to the educators methodologies. Among higher education, focusing on IT courses, data structures are an important subject taught in many of these courses, as they are base for many systems. Based on the exposed this paper exposes the development of an interactive web learning environment, called DSLEP (Data Structure Learning Platform), to aid students in higher education IT courses. The system includes basic concepts seen on this subject such as stacks, queues, lists, arrays, trees and was implemented to ease the insertion of new structures. It was also implemented with gamification concepts, such as points, levels, and leader boards, to engage students in the search for knowledge and stimulate self-learning.

BDD Package Based on Boolean NOR Operation

Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) are useful data structures for symbolic Boolean manipulations. BDDs are used in many tasks in VLSI/CAD, such as equivalence checking, property checking, logic synthesis, and false paths. In this paper we describe a new approach for the realization of a BDD package. To perform manipulations of Boolean functions, the proposed approach does not depend on the recursive synthesis operation of the IF-Then-Else (ITE). Instead of using the ITE operation, the basic synthesis algorithm is done using Boolean NOR operation.

Array Data Transformation for Source Code Obfuscation

Obfuscation is a low cost software protection methodology to avoid reverse engineering and re engineering of applications. Source code obfuscation aims in obscuring the source code to hide the functionality of the codes. This paper proposes an Array data transformation in order to obfuscate the source code which uses arrays. The applications using the proposed data structures force the programmer to obscure the logic manually. It makes the developed obscured codes hard to reverse engineer and also protects the functionality of the codes.