A Block World Problem Based Sudoku Solver

There are many approaches proposed for solving Sudoku puzzles. One of them is by modelling the puzzles as block world problems. There have been three model for Sudoku solvers based on this approach. Each model expresses Sudoku solver as a parameterized multi agent systems. In this work, we propose a new model which is an improvement over the existing models. This paper presents the development of a Sudoku solver that implements all the proposed models. Some experiments have been conducted to determine the performance of each model.

Educational Quiz Board Games for Adaptive E-Learning

Internet computer games turn to be more and more attractive within the context of technology enhanced learning. Educational games as quizzes and quests have gained significant success in appealing and motivating learners to study in a different way and provoke steadily increasing interest in new methods of application. Board games are specific group of games where figures are manipulated in competitive play mode with race conditions on a surface according predefined rules. The article represents a new, formalized model of traditional quizzes, puzzles and quests shown as multimedia board games which facilitates the construction process of such games. Authors provide different examples of quizzes and their models in order to demonstrate the model is quite general and does support not only quizzes, mazes and quests but also any set of teaching activities. The execution process of such models is explained and, as well, how they can be useful for creation and delivery of adaptive e-learning courseware.

New Mitigating Technique to Overcome DDOS Attack

In this paper, we explore a new scheme for filtering spoofed packets (DDOS attack) which is a combination of path fingerprint and client puzzle concepts. In this each IP packet has a unique fingerprint is embedded that represents, the route a packet has traversed. The server maintains a mapping table which contains the client IP address and its corresponding fingerprint. In ingress router, client puzzle is placed. For each request, the puzzle issuer provides a puzzle which the source has to solve. Our design has the following advantages over prior approaches, 1) Reduce the network traffic, as we place a client puzzle at the ingress router. 2) Mapping table at the server is lightweight and moderate.