An Algorithm for Computing the Analytic Singular Value Decomposition

A proof of convergence of a new continuation algorithm for computing the Analytic SVD for a large sparse parameter– dependent matrix is given. The algorithm itself was developed and numerically tested in [5].

A P-SPACE Algorithm for Groebner Bases Computation in Boolean Rings

The theory of Groebner Bases, which has recently been honored with the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award, has become a crucial building block to computer algebra, and is widely used in science, engineering, and computer science. It is wellknown that Groebner bases computation is EXP-SPACE in a general setting. In this paper, we give an algorithm to show that Groebner bases computation is P-SPACE in Boolean rings. We also show that with this discovery, the Groebner bases method can theoretically be as efficient as other methods for automated verification of hardware and software. Additionally, many useful and interesting properties of Groebner bases including the ability to efficiently convert the bases for different orders of variables making Groebner bases a promising method in automated verification.

Nonstational Dual Wavelet Frames in Sobolev Spaces

In view of the good properties of nonstationary wavelet frames and the better flexibility of wavelets in Sobolev spaces, the nonstationary dual wavelet frames in a pair of dual Sobolev spaces are studied in this paper. We mainly give the oblique extension principle and the mixed extension principle for nonstationary dual wavelet frames in a pair of dual Sobolev spaces Hs(Rd) and H-s(Rd).

A Thought on Exotic Statistical Distributions

The statistical distributions are modeled in explaining nature of various types of data sets. Although these distributions are mostly uni-modal, it is quite common to see multiple modes in the observed distribution of the underlying variables, which make the precise modeling unrealistic. The observed data do not exhibit smoothness not necessarily due to randomness, but could also be due to non-randomness resulting in zigzag curves, oscillations, humps etc. The present paper argues that trigonometric functions, which have not been used in probability functions of distributions so far, have the potential to take care of this, if incorporated in the distribution appropriately. A simple distribution (named as, Sinoform Distribution), involving trigonometric functions, is illustrated in the paper with a data set. The importance of trigonometric functions is demonstrated in the paper, which have the characteristics to make statistical distributions exotic. It is possible to have multiple modes, oscillations and zigzag curves in the density, which could be suitable to explain the underlying nature of select data set.

On the Wreath Product of Group by Some Other Groups

In this paper, we will generate the wreath product 11 12 M wrM using only two permutations. Also, we will show the structure of some groups containing the wreath product 11 12 M wrM . The structure of the groups founded is determined in terms of wreath product k (M wrM ) wrC 11 12 . Some related cases are also included. Also, we will show that 132K+1 S and 132K+1 A can be generated using the wreath product k (M wrM ) wrC 11 12 and a transposition in 132K+1 S and an element of order 3 in 132K+1 A . We will also show that 132K+1 S and 132K+1 A can be generated using the wreath product 11 12 M wrM and an element of order k +1.

Haar Wavelet Method for Solving Fitz Hugh-Nagumo Equation

In this paper, we develop an accurate and efficient Haar wavelet method for well-known FitzHugh-Nagumo equation. The proposed scheme can be used to a wide class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations. The power of this manageable method is confirmed. Moreover the use of Haar wavelets is found to be accurate, simple, fast, flexible, convenient, small computation costs and computationally attractive.

Numerical Grid Generation of Oceanic Model for the Andaman Sea

The study of the Andaman Sea can be studied by using the oceanic model; therefore the grid covering the study area should be generated. This research aims to generate grid covering the Andaman Sea, situated between longitudes 90◦E to 101◦E and latitudes 1◦N to 18◦N. A horizontal grid is an orthogonal curvilinear with 87 × 217 grid points. The methods used in this study are cubic spline and bilinear interpolations. The boundary grid points are generated by spline interpolation while the interior grid points have to be specified by bilinear interpolation method. A vertical grid is sigma coordinate with 15 layers of water column.

Parallel Block Backward Differentiation Formulas for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

A parallel block method based on Backward Differentiation Formulas (BDF) is developed for the parallel solution of stiff Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Most common methods for solving stiff systems of ODEs are based on implicit formulae and solved using Newton iteration which requires repeated solution of systems of linear equations with coefficient matrix, I - hβJ . Here, J is the Jacobian matrix of the problem. In this paper, the matrix operations is paralleled in order to reduce the cost of the iterations. Numerical results are given to compare the speedup and efficiency of parallel algorithm and that of sequential algorithm.

Convergence Analysis of the Generalized Alternating Two-Stage Method

In this paper, we give the generalized alternating twostage method in which the inner iterations are accomplished by a generalized alternating method. And we present convergence results of the method for solving nonsingular linear systems when the coefficient matrix of the linear system is a monotone matrix or an H-matrix.

A Note on Negative Hypergeometric Distribution and Its Approximation

In this paper, at first we explain about negative hypergeometric distribution and its properties. Then we use the w-function and the Stein identity to give a result on the poisson approximation to the negative hypergeometric distribution in terms of the total variation distance between the negative hypergeometric and poisson distributions and its upper bound.

Mathematical Model of Smoking Time Temperature Effect on Ribbed Smoked Sheets Quality

The quality of Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS) primarily based on color, dryness, and the presence or absence of fungus and bubbles. This quality is strongly influenced by the drying and fumigation process namely smoking process. Smoking that is held in high temperature long time will result scorched dark brown sheets, whereas if the temperature is too low or slow drying rate would resulted in less mature sheets and growth of fungus. Therefore need to find the time and temperature for optimum quality of sheets. Enhance, unmonitored heat and mass transfer during smoking process lead to high losses of energy balance. This research aims to generate simple empirical mathematical model describing the effect of smoking time and temperature to RSS quality of color, water content, fungus and bubbles. The second goal of study was to analyze energy balance during smoking process. Experimental study was conducted by measuring temperature, residence time and quality parameters of 16 sheets sample in smoking rooms. Data for energy consumption balance such as mass of fuel wood, mass of sheets being smoked, construction temperature, ambient temperature and relative humidity were taken directly along the smoking process. It was found that mathematical model correlating smoking temperature and time with color is Color = -169 - 0.184 T4 - 0.193 T3 - 0.160 0.405 T1 + T2 + 0.388 t1 +3.11 t2 + 3.92t3 + 0.215 t4 with R square 50.8% and with moisture is Moisture = -1.40-0.00123 T4 + 0.00032 T3 + 0.00260 T2 - 0.00292 T1 - 0.0105 t1 + 0.0290 t2 + 0.0452 t3 + 0.00061 t4 with R square of 49.9%. Smoking room energy analysis found useful energy was 27.8%. The energy stored in the material construction 7.3%. Lost of energy in conversion of wood combustion, ventilation and others were 16.6%. The energy flowed out through the contact of material construction with the ambient air was found to be the highest contribution to energy losses, it reached 48.3%.

Constructing Distinct Kinds of Solutions for the Time-Dependent Coefficients Coupled Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger Equation

We seek exact solutions of the coupled Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients with the aid of Lie classical approach. By using the Lie classical method, we are able to derive symmetries that are used for reducing the coupled system of partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. From reduced differential equations we have derived some new exact solutions of coupled Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations involving some special functions such as Airy wave functions, Bessel functions, Mathieu functions etc.

Two Iterative Algorithms to Compute the Bisymmetric Solution of the Matrix Equation A1X1B1 + A2X2B2 + ... + AlXlBl = C

In this paper, two matrix iterative methods are presented to solve the matrix equation A1X1B1 + A2X2B2 + ... + AlXlBl = C the minimum residual problem l i=1 AiXiBi−CF = minXi∈BRni×ni l i=1 AiXiBi−CF and the matrix nearness problem [X1, X2, ..., Xl] = min[X1,X2,...,Xl]∈SE [X1,X2, ...,Xl] − [X1, X2, ..., Xl]F , where BRni×ni is the set of bisymmetric matrices, and SE is the solution set of above matrix equation or minimum residual problem. These matrix iterative methods have faster convergence rate and higher accuracy than former methods. Paige’s algorithms are used as the frame method for deriving these matrix iterative methods. The numerical example is used to illustrate the efficiency of these new methods.

A New Effective Local Search Heuristic for the Maximum Clique Problem

An edge based local search algorithm, called ELS, is proposed for the maximum clique problem (MCP), a well-known combinatorial optimization problem. ELS is a two phased local search method effectively £nds the near optimal solutions for the MCP. A parameter ’support’ of vertices de£ned in the ELS greatly reduces the more number of random selections among vertices and also the number of iterations and running times. Computational results on BHOSLIB and DIMACS benchmark graphs indicate that ELS is capable of achieving state-of-the-art-performance for the maximum clique with reasonable average running times.

Simulating Action Potential as a Linear Combination of Gating Dynamics

In this research we show that the dynamics of an action potential in a cell can be modeled with a linear combination of the dynamics of the gating state variables. It is shown that the modeling error is negligible. Our findings can be used for simplifying cell models and reduction of computational burden i.e. it is useful for simulating action potential propagation in large scale computations like tissue modeling. We have verified our finding with the use of several cell models.

Moment Generating Functions of Observed Gaps between Hypopnea Using Saddlepoint Approximations

Saddlepoint approximations is one of the tools to obtain an expressions for densities and distribution functions. We approximate the densities of the observed gaps between the hypopnea events using the Huzurbazar saddlepoint approximation. We demonstrate the density of a maximum likelihood estimator in exponential families.

An Efficient Method for Solving Multipoint Equation Boundary Value Problems

In this work, we solve multipoint boundary value problems where the boundary value conditions are equations using the Newton-Broyden Shooting method (NBSM).The proposed method is tested upon several problems from the literature and the results are compared with the available exact solution. The experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency and implementation of the method.