Agent-based Framework for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor networks are consisted of hundreds or thousands of small sensors that have limited resources. Energy-efficient techniques are the main issue of wireless sensor networks. This paper proposes an energy efficient agent-based framework in wireless sensor networks. We adopt biologically inspired approaches for wireless sensor networks. Agent operates automatically with their behavior policies as a gene. Agent aggregates other agents to reduce communication and gives high priority to nodes that have enough energy to communicate. Agent behavior policies are optimized by genetic operation at the base station. Simulation results show that our proposed framework increases the lifetime of each node. Each agent selects a next-hop node with neighbor information and behavior policies. Our proposed framework provides self-healing, self-configuration, self-optimization properties to sensor nodes.

Analysis of Long-Term File System Activities on Cluster Systems

I/O workload is a critical and important factor to analyze I/O pattern and to maximize file system performance. However to measure I/O workload on running distributed parallel file system is non-trivial due to collection overhead and large volume of data. In this paper, we measured and analyzed file system activities on two large-scale cluster systems which had TFlops level high performance computation resources. By comparing file system activities of 2009 with those of 2006, we analyzed the change of I/O workloads by the development of system performance and high-speed network technology.

An Energy-Efficient Distributed Unequal Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

The wireless sensor networks have been extensively deployed and researched. One of the major issues in wireless sensor networks is a developing energy-efficient clustering protocol. Clustering algorithm provides an effective way to prolong the lifetime of a wireless sensor networks. In the paper, we compare several clustering protocols which significantly affect a balancing of energy consumption. And we propose an Energy-Efficient Distributed Unequal Clustering (EEDUC) algorithm which provides a new way of creating distributed clusters. In EEDUC, each sensor node sets the waiting time. This waiting time is considered as a function of residual energy, number of neighborhood nodes. EEDUC uses waiting time to distribute cluster heads. We also propose an unequal clustering mechanism to solve the hot-spot problem. Simulation results show that EEDUC distributes the cluster heads, balances the energy consumption well among the cluster heads and increases the network lifetime.

Gender Differences in Spatial Navigation

This study aims to investigate the gender differences in spatial navigation using the tasks of 2-D matrix navigation and recognition of real driving scene. The results can be summarized as followings. First, female subjects responded faster in 2-D matrix navigation task than male subjects when landmark instructions were provided. Second, in recognition task, male subjects recognized the key elements involved in the past driving scene more accurately than female subjects. In particular, female subjects tended to miss peripheral information. These results suggest the possibility of gender differences in spatial navigation.