Grid Based and Random Based Ant Colony Algorithms for Automatic Hose Routing in 3D Space

Ant Colony Algorithms have been applied to difficult combinatorial optimization problems such as the travelling salesman problem and the quadratic assignment problem. In this paper gridbased and random-based ant colony algorithms are proposed for automatic 3D hose routing and their pros and cons are discussed. The algorithm uses the tessellated format for the obstacles and the generated hoses in order to detect collisions. The representation of obstacles and hoses in the tessellated format greatly helps the algorithm towards handling free-form objects and speeds up computation. The performance of algorithm has been tested on a number of 3D models.

Multi-board Run-time Reconfigurable Implementation of Intrinsic Evolvable Hardware

A multi-board run-time reconfigurable (MRTR) system for evolvable hardware (EHW) is introduced with the aim to implement on hardware the bidirectional incremental evolution (BIE) method. The main features of this digital intrinsic EHW solution rely on the multi-board approach, the variable chromosome length management and the partial configuration of the reconfigurable circuit. These three features provide a high scalability to the solution. The design has been written in VHDL with the concern of not being platform dependant in order to keep a flexibility factor as high as possible. This solution helps tackling the problem of evolving complex task on digital configurable support.