Development of a Wiki-based Feature Library for a Process Planning System

A manufacturing feature can be defined simply as a geometric shape and its manufacturing information to create the shape. In a feature-based process planning system, feature library plays an important role in the extraction of manufacturing features with their proper manufacturing information. However, to manage the manufacturing information flexibly, it is important to build a feature library that is easy to modify. In this paper, a Wiki-based feature library is proposed.

Development of a Semantic Wiki-based Feature Library for the Extraction of Manufacturing Feature and Manufacturing Information

A manufacturing feature can be defined simply as a geometric shape and its manufacturing information to create the shape. In a feature-based process planning system, feature library that consists of pre-defined manufacturing features and the manufacturing information to create the shape of the features, plays an important role in the extraction of manufacturing features with their proper manufacturing information. However, to manage the manufacturing information flexibly, it is important to build a feature library that can be easily modified. In this paper, the implementation of Semantic Wiki for the development of the feature library is proposed.

A Survey on Life Science Database Citation Frequency in Scientific Literatures

There are so many databases of various fields of life sciences available online. To find well-used databases, a survey to measure life science database citation frequency in scientific literatures is done. The survey is done by measuring how many scientific literatures which are available on PubMed Central archive cited a specific life science database. This paper presents and discusses the results of the survey.