Extending Global Full Orthogonalization method for Solving the Matrix Equation AXB=F

In the present work, we propose a new method for solving the matrix equation AXB=F . The new method can be considered as a generalized form of the well-known global full orthogonalization method (Gl-FOM) for solving multiple linear systems. Hence, the method will be called extended Gl-FOM (EGl- FOM). For implementing EGl-FOM, generalized forms of block Krylov subspace and global Arnoldi process are presented. Finally, some numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency of our new method.

Note to the Global GMRES for Solving the Matrix Equation AXB = F

In the present work, we propose a new projection method for solving the matrix equation AXB = F. For implementing our new method, generalized forms of block Krylov subspace and global Arnoldi process are presented. The new method can be considered as an extended form of the well-known global generalized minimum residual (Gl-GMRES) method for solving multiple linear systems and it will be called as the extended Gl-GMRES (EGl- GMRES). Some new theoretical results have been established for proposed method by employing Schur complement. Finally, some numerical results are given to illustrate the efficiency of our new method.