Dynamic Analysis by a Family of Time Marching Procedures Based On Numerically Computed Green’s Functions

In this work, a new family of time marching procedures based on Green’s function matrices is presented. The formulation is based on the development of new recurrence relationships, which employ time integral terms to treat initial condition values. These integral terms are numerically evaluated taking into account Newton-Cotes formulas. The Green’s matrices of the model are also numerically computed, taking into account the generalized-α method and subcycling techniques. As it is discussed and illustrated along the text, the proposed procedure is efficient and accurate, providing a very attractive time marching technique. 

Dynamic Analysis of Nonlinear Models with Infinite Extension by Boundary Elements

The Time-Domain Boundary Element Method (TDBEM) is a well known numerical technique that handles quite properly dynamic analyses considering infinite dimension media. However, when these analyses are also related to nonlinear behavior, very complex numerical procedures arise considering the TD-BEM, which may turn its application prohibitive. In order to avoid this drawback and model nonlinear infinite media, the present work couples two BEM formulations, aiming to achieve the best of two worlds. In this context, the regions expected to behave nonlinearly are discretized by the Domain Boundary Element Method (D-BEM), which has a simpler mathematical formulation but is unable to deal with infinite domain analyses; the TD-BEM is employed as in the sense of an effective non-reflexive boundary. An iterative procedure is considered for the coupling of the TD-BEM and D-BEM, which is based on a relaxed renew of the variables at the common interfaces. Elastoplastic models are focused and different time-steps are allowed to be considered by each BEM formulation in the coupled analysis.