Face Texture Reconstruction for Illumination Variant Face Recognition

In illumination variant face recognition, existing methods extracting face albedo as light normalized image may lead to loss of extensive facial details, with light template discarded. To improve that, a novel approach for realistic facial texture reconstruction by combining original image and albedo image is proposed. First, light subspaces of different identities are established from the given reference face images; then by projecting the original and albedo image into each light subspace respectively, texture reference images with corresponding lighting are reconstructed and two texture subspaces are formed. According to the projections in texture subspaces, facial texture with normal light can be synthesized. Due to the combination of original image, facial details can be preserved with face albedo. In addition, image partition is applied to improve the synthesization performance. Experiments on Yale B and CMUPIE databases demonstrate that this algorithm outperforms the others both in image representation and in face recognition.

Real-time ROI Acquisition for Unsupervised and Touch-less Palmprint

In this paper we proposed a novel method to acquire the ROI (Region of interest) of unsupervised and touch-less palmprint captured from a web camera in real-time. We use Viola-Jones approach and skin model to get the target area in real time. Then an innovative course-to-fine approach to detect the key points on the hand is described. A new algorithm is used to find the candidate key points coarsely and quickly. In finely stage, we verify the hand key points with the shape context descriptor. To make the user much comfortable, it can process the hand image with different poses, even the hand is closed. Experiments show promising result by using the proposed method in various conditions.