An Optimal Algorithm for HTML Page Building Process

Demand over web services is in growing with increases number of Web users. Web service is applied by Web application. Web application size is affected by its user-s requirements and interests. Differential in requirements and interests lead to growing of Web application size. The efficient way to save store spaces for more data and information is achieved by implementing algorithms to compress the contents of Web application documents. This paper introduces an algorithm to reduce Web application size based on reduction of the contents of HTML files. It removes unimportant contents regardless of the HTML file size. The removing is not ignored any character that is predicted in the HTML building process.

Improving Performance of World Wide Web by Adaptive Web Traffic Reduction

The ever increasing use of World Wide Web in the existing network, results in poor performance. Several techniques have been developed for reducing web traffic by compressing the size of the file, saving the web pages at the client side, changing the burst nature of traffic into constant rate etc. No single method was adequate enough to access the document instantly through the Internet. In this paper, adaptive hybrid algorithms are developed for reducing web traffic. Intelligent agents are used for monitoring the web traffic. Depending upon the bandwidth usage, user-s preferences, server and browser capabilities, intelligent agents use the best techniques to achieve maximum traffic reduction. Web caching, compression, filtering, optimization of HTML tags, and traffic dispersion are incorporated into this adaptive selection. Using this new hybrid technique, latency is reduced to 20 – 60 % and cache hit ratio is increased 40 – 82 %.