Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation Based Feature Selection Applied to Behaviour Assessment of Children

Abstract—Attribute or feature selection is one of the basic
strategies to improve the performances of data classification tasks,
and, at the same time, to reduce the complexity of classifiers,
and it is a particularly fundamental one when the number
of attributes is relatively high. Its application to unsupervised
classification is restricted to a limited number of experiments in
the literature. Evolutionary computation has already proven itself
to be a very effective choice to consistently reduce the number
of attributes towards a better classification rate and a simpler
semantic interpretation of the inferred classifiers. We present a feature
selection wrapper model composed by a multi-objective evolutionary
algorithm, the clustering method Expectation-Maximization (EM),
and the classifier C4.5 for the unsupervised classification of data
extracted from a psychological test named BASC-II (Behavior
Assessment System for Children - II ed.) with two objectives:
Maximizing the likelihood of the clustering model and maximizing
the accuracy of the obtained classifier. We present a methodology
to integrate feature selection for unsupervised classification, model
evaluation, decision making (to choose the most satisfactory model
according to a a posteriori process in a multi-objective context), and
testing. We compare the performance of the classifier obtained by the
multi-objective evolutionary algorithms ENORA and NSGA-II, and
the best solution is then validated by the psychologists that collected
the data.

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