DCBOR: A Density Clustering Based on Outlier Removal

Data clustering is an important data exploration technique with many applications in data mining. We present an enhanced version of the well known single link clustering algorithm. We will refer to this algorithm as DCBOR. The proposed algorithm alleviates the chain effect by removing the outliers from the given dataset. So this algorithm provides outlier detection and data clustering simultaneously. This algorithm does not need to update the distance matrix, since the algorithm depends on merging the most k-nearest objects in one step and the cluster continues grow as long as possible under specified condition. So the algorithm consists of two phases; at the first phase, it removes the outliers from the input dataset. At the second phase, it performs the clustering process. This algorithm discovers clusters of different shapes, sizes, densities and requires only one input parameter; this parameter represents a threshold for outlier points. The value of the input parameter is ranging from 0 to 1. The algorithm supports the user in determining an appropriate value for it. We have tested this algorithm on different datasets contain outlier and connecting clusters by chain of density points, and the algorithm discovers the correct clusters. The results of our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of DCBOR.

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