Behavioral Response of Dogs to Interior Environment: An Exploratory Study on Design Parameters for Designing Dog Boarding Centers in Indian Context
Pet population in India is increasing phenomenally owing to the changes in urban lifestyle with increasing number of single professionals, single parents, delayed parenthood etc. The animal companionship as a means of reducing stress levels, deriving emotional support, and unconditional love provided by dogs are a few reasons attributed for increasing pet ownership. The consequence is the booming of the pet care products and dog care centers catering to the different requirements of rearing the pets. Dog care centers quite popular in tier 1 metros of India cater to the requirement of the dog owners providing space for the dogs in absence of the owner. However, it is often reported that the absence of the owner leads to destructive and exploratory behavior issues; the main being the anxiety disorders. In the above context, it becomes imperative for a designer to design dog boarding centers that help in reducing the separation anxiety in dogs keeping in mind the different interior design parameters. An exploratory research with focus group discussion is employed involving a group of dog owners, behaviorists, proprietors of day care as well as boarding centers, and veterinarians to understand their perception on the significance of different interior parameters of color, texture, ventilation, aroma therapy and acoustics as a means of reducing the stress levels in dogs sent to the boarding centers. The data collected is organized as thematic networks thus enabling the listing of the interior design parameters that needs to be considered in designing dog boarding centers.
[1] "India Pet Care Market 2017-2022 - Market is Expected to Grow With a CAGR of More Than 20%,"'s , 2017.
[2] S. Pal, "11 Super Cool Indian Pet Startups That Care About Your Furry Friends," 2016. (Online). Available:
[3] "Amritt Ventures," (Online). Available:
[4] V. C. Roy, "Every pet has its day, fuelling the growth of an industry," Business Standard, Chandigarh, 2014.
[5] Y. Takeuchi, K. . A. Houpt and J. M. Scarlett , "Evaluation of treatments for separation," 2000.
[6] "Separation Anxiety," 2013. (Online). Available:
[7] K. Tiira, S. Sulkama and H. Lohi, "Prevalence, comorbidity, and behavioral variation in canine anxiety," Journal of Veterinary Behavior, vol. 16, pp. 36-44, 2016.
[8] "Guidelines for the design and management of animal shelters," RSPCA.
[9] A. Honari, "Dog Friendly Hotels: Identifying potential interventions within the pet friendly hotels in order to create," Unpublished, 2014.
[10] "Licensing conditions and guidance for dog borading kennels," Vale of Glamorgan Council.
[11] F. Rabiee, "Focus-group interview and data analysis," UK, 2004.
[12] E. B. Foa, R. Zinbarg and B. O. Rothbaum, "Uncontrollability and Unpredictability in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Animal Model," Pyschological Bulletin, vol. 112, pp. 218-238, 1992.
[13] M. . I. Talegón and B. A. Delgado, "Anxiety Disorders in Dogs," 2011.
[14] "Canine Enrichment," Arizona Humane Society.
[15] K. Taylor and D. Mills, "The effect of the kennel environment on canine welfare: a critical review," UK, 2007.
[16] S. Husband, L. K. Mayo and C. Sadora, "Environmental Enrichment," 2008.
[17] A. J. Pullen, R. J. Merrill and J. W. Bradshaw, "The Effect of Familiarity on Behavior of Kenneled Dogs During Interactions With Conspecifics," Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 64-76, 02 Jan 2013.
[18] "Animal Enrichment Best Practice," Society of Welfare Administrators, 2017.
[19] M. J. Prescott, D. B. Morton, A. D. and T. P. , "Refining dog husbandry and care," Laboratory Animals, vol. 38, pp. 1-94, July 2004.
[20] M. Garvey, J. Stella and C. Croney, "Implementing Environmental Enrichment for Dogs," Vols. 13-W, March 2016.
[21] C. C. Croney, . C. . L. Daigle, M. Hurt and . J. . L. Stella, "Effects of Flooring on Animal Health and Well-Being:," vol. 4W, 2015.
[22] C. Brayley and V. T. Montrose, "The effects of audiobooks on the behaviour of dogs at a rehoming kennels," International society for Applied Ethology, vol. 174, pp. 111-115, January 2016.
[23] L. . R. Kogan, R. S.-. Tacher and A. . A. Simon, "Behavioral effects of auditory stimulation on kenneled dogs," Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 268-275, October 2012.
[24] J. Binks, S. Taylor, A. Wills and T. V. Montrose, "The behavioural effects of olfactory stimulation on dogs at a rescue shelter," Applied Animal Behaviour Science, January 2018.
[25] S. C.M and E. Glen, "Cage colour preferences and effects of home cage colour on anxiety in laboratory mice," Animal Behaviour, vol. 66, pp. 1085-1092, December 2003.
[26] "Color Therapy," (Online). Available:
[27] Ottesen, J. & Weber, A. & Gürtler, H. & Friis Mikkelsen and Lars, "New housing conditions: Improving the welfare of experimental animals. Alternatives to laboratory animals," Alternatives to Laboratory animals, pp. 397-404, June 2004.
[28] M. J. Hurt, "Evaluating the physical welfare of dogs in commercial breeding facilities in the United States," 2016.
[1] "India Pet Care Market 2017-2022 - Market is Expected to Grow With a CAGR of More Than 20%,"'s , 2017.
[2] S. Pal, "11 Super Cool Indian Pet Startups That Care About Your Furry Friends," 2016. (Online). Available:
[3] "Amritt Ventures," (Online). Available:
[4] V. C. Roy, "Every pet has its day, fuelling the growth of an industry," Business Standard, Chandigarh, 2014.
[5] Y. Takeuchi, K. . A. Houpt and J. M. Scarlett , "Evaluation of treatments for separation," 2000.
[6] "Separation Anxiety," 2013. (Online). Available:
[7] K. Tiira, S. Sulkama and H. Lohi, "Prevalence, comorbidity, and behavioral variation in canine anxiety," Journal of Veterinary Behavior, vol. 16, pp. 36-44, 2016.
[8] "Guidelines for the design and management of animal shelters," RSPCA.
[9] A. Honari, "Dog Friendly Hotels: Identifying potential interventions within the pet friendly hotels in order to create," Unpublished, 2014.
[10] "Licensing conditions and guidance for dog borading kennels," Vale of Glamorgan Council.
[11] F. Rabiee, "Focus-group interview and data analysis," UK, 2004.
[12] E. B. Foa, R. Zinbarg and B. O. Rothbaum, "Uncontrollability and Unpredictability in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Animal Model," Pyschological Bulletin, vol. 112, pp. 218-238, 1992.
[13] M. . I. Talegón and B. A. Delgado, "Anxiety Disorders in Dogs," 2011.
[14] "Canine Enrichment," Arizona Humane Society.
[15] K. Taylor and D. Mills, "The effect of the kennel environment on canine welfare: a critical review," UK, 2007.
[16] S. Husband, L. K. Mayo and C. Sadora, "Environmental Enrichment," 2008.
[17] A. J. Pullen, R. J. Merrill and J. W. Bradshaw, "The Effect of Familiarity on Behavior of Kenneled Dogs During Interactions With Conspecifics," Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 64-76, 02 Jan 2013.
[18] "Animal Enrichment Best Practice," Society of Welfare Administrators, 2017.
[19] M. J. Prescott, D. B. Morton, A. D. and T. P. , "Refining dog husbandry and care," Laboratory Animals, vol. 38, pp. 1-94, July 2004.
[20] M. Garvey, J. Stella and C. Croney, "Implementing Environmental Enrichment for Dogs," Vols. 13-W, March 2016.
[21] C. C. Croney, . C. . L. Daigle, M. Hurt and . J. . L. Stella, "Effects of Flooring on Animal Health and Well-Being:," vol. 4W, 2015.
[22] C. Brayley and V. T. Montrose, "The effects of audiobooks on the behaviour of dogs at a rehoming kennels," International society for Applied Ethology, vol. 174, pp. 111-115, January 2016.
[23] L. . R. Kogan, R. S.-. Tacher and A. . A. Simon, "Behavioral effects of auditory stimulation on kenneled dogs," Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 268-275, October 2012.
[24] J. Binks, S. Taylor, A. Wills and T. V. Montrose, "The behavioural effects of olfactory stimulation on dogs at a rescue shelter," Applied Animal Behaviour Science, January 2018.
[25] S. C.M and E. Glen, "Cage colour preferences and effects of home cage colour on anxiety in laboratory mice," Animal Behaviour, vol. 66, pp. 1085-1092, December 2003.
[26] "Color Therapy," (Online). Available:
[27] Ottesen, J. & Weber, A. & Gürtler, H. & Friis Mikkelsen and Lars, "New housing conditions: Improving the welfare of experimental animals. Alternatives to laboratory animals," Alternatives to Laboratory animals, pp. 397-404, June 2004.
[28] M. J. Hurt, "Evaluating the physical welfare of dogs in commercial breeding facilities in the United States," 2016.
@article{"International Journal of Architectural, Civil and Construction Sciences:78878", author = "M. R. Akshaya and Veena Rao", title = "Behavioral Response of Dogs to Interior Environment: An Exploratory Study on Design Parameters for Designing Dog Boarding Centers in Indian Context", abstract = "Pet population in India is increasing phenomenally owing to the changes in urban lifestyle with increasing number of single professionals, single parents, delayed parenthood etc. The animal companionship as a means of reducing stress levels, deriving emotional support, and unconditional love provided by dogs are a few reasons attributed for increasing pet ownership. The consequence is the booming of the pet care products and dog care centers catering to the different requirements of rearing the pets. Dog care centers quite popular in tier 1 metros of India cater to the requirement of the dog owners providing space for the dogs in absence of the owner. However, it is often reported that the absence of the owner leads to destructive and exploratory behavior issues; the main being the anxiety disorders. In the above context, it becomes imperative for a designer to design dog boarding centers that help in reducing the separation anxiety in dogs keeping in mind the different interior design parameters. An exploratory research with focus group discussion is employed involving a group of dog owners, behaviorists, proprietors of day care as well as boarding centers, and veterinarians to understand their perception on the significance of different interior parameters of color, texture, ventilation, aroma therapy and acoustics as a means of reducing the stress levels in dogs sent to the boarding centers. The data collected is organized as thematic networks thus enabling the listing of the interior design parameters that needs to be considered in designing dog boarding centers.
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