Educational Plan and Program of the Subject Maintenance of Electric Power Equipment

Students of Higher Education Technical School of
Professional Studies in Novi Sad follow the subject ‘Maintenance of
Electric Power Equipment’ at the Electrotechnical Department. This
paper presents educational plan and program of the subject
Maintenance of Electric Power Equipment. The course deals with the
problems of preventive and investing maintenance of transformer
stations (TS), performing and maintenance of grounding of TS and
pillars, as well as tracing and detection the location of the cables
failure. There is a special elaborated subject concerning the safe work
conditions for the electrician during network maintenance, as well as
the basics of making and keeping technical documentation of the

[1] V. Mijailovic, J. Nahman, Razvodna postrojenja (Power Distribution
Plants), Akademska misao, Belgrade 2005.
[2] Introduction to Thermography principles, FLUKE, 2009.
[3] Regulation on technical standards for grounding electric power plants
with a nominal voltage above 1000 V, Official Gazette of Republic of
Serbia, No. 61/95.
[4] Regulations on the procedure for protection of low voltage distribution
network and transformer stations, Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia,
No. 37/95.
[5] Ј.М. Nahman, Grounding of the Neutral Point of Distribution Networks,
Belgrade 1980, Scientific Books.
[6] Technical Recomendations no. 12a – EPS: Basic technical requests for
building substations TS 110/10 kV, TS 110/20 kV, TS 110/35/10 kV
[7] Technical Recomendations no. 7 - EPS: Performing a grounding of
distribution substations 35/10 кV, 35/20 кV, 10/0.4 kV, 20/0.4 kV and
35/0.4 kV (1996).
[8] Technical Recomendations no. 9 – EPS: Performing pole grounding of
overhead distribution lines 1 kV, 10 kV, 20 kV, 35 kV i 110 kV (2000).
[9] Law on Safety and Health at Work, Official Gazette of Republic of
Serbia, no. 101/05.
[10] Regulations on the procedure for the assessment of risks in the
workplace and in the workplace, Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia,
[11] R. Ciric, ”Risks of Maintaining High Voltage Transformer Stations“,
Monitoring Expertise and Safety Engineering, vol.3, no.2, June 2013.