Interactive Shadow Play Animation System

The paper describes a Chinese shadow play animation
system based on Kinect. Users, without any professional training, can
personally manipulate the shadow characters to finish a shadow play
performance by their body actions and get a shadow play video
through giving the record command to our system if they want. In our
system, Kinect is responsible for capturing human movement and
voice commands data. Gesture recognition module is used to control
the change of the shadow play scenes. After packaging the data from
Kinect and the recognition result from gesture recognition module,
VRPN transmits them to the server-side. At last, the server-side uses
the information to control the motion of shadow characters and video
recording. This system not only achieves human-computer interaction,
but also realizes the interaction between people. It brings an
entertaining experience to users and easy to operate for all ages. Even
more important is that the application background of Chinese shadow
play embodies the protection of the art of shadow play animation.

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