Web-Based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI): A Theoretical-and-Pedagogical e-Framework for Language Development

Web-based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI)’s
contribution towards language development can be divided into
linguistic and non-linguistic perspectives. In linguistic perspective,
WeCWI focuses on the literacy and language discoveries, while the
cognitive and psychological discoveries are the hubs in non-linguistic
perspective. In linguistic perspective, WeCWI draws attention to free
reading and enterprises, which are supported by the language
acquisition theories. Besides, the adoption of process genre approach
as a hybrid guided writing approach fosters literacy development.
Literacy and language developments are interconnected in the
communication process; hence, WeCWI encourages meaningful
discussion based on the interactionist theory that involves input,
negotiation, output, and interactional feedback. Rooted in the elearning
interaction-based model, WeCWI promotes online
discussion via synchronous and asynchronous communications,
which allows interactions happened among the learners, instructor,
and digital content. In non-linguistic perspective, WeCWI highlights
on the contribution of reading, discussion, and writing towards
cognitive development. Based on the inquiry models, learners’
critical thinking is fostered during information exploration process
through interaction and questioning. Lastly, to lower writing anxiety,
WeCWI develops the instructional tool with supportive features to
facilitate the writing process. To bring a positive user experience to
the learner, WeCWI aims to create the instructional tool with
different interface designs based on two different types of perceptual
learning style.


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