The Use of Classifiers in Image Analysis of Oil Wells Profiling Process and the Automatic Identification of Events

Different strategies and tools are available at the oil
and gas industry for detecting and analyzing tension and possible
fractures in borehole walls. Most of these techniques are based on
manual observation of the captured borehole images. While this
strategy may be possible and convenient with small images and few
data, it may become difficult and suitable to errors when big
databases of images must be treated. While the patterns may differ
among the image area, depending on many characteristics (drilling
strategy, rock components, rock strength, etc.). In this work we
propose the inclusion of data-mining classification strategies in order
to create a knowledge database of the segmented curves. These
classifiers allow that, after some time using and manually pointing
parts of borehole images that correspond to tension regions and
breakout areas, the system will indicate and suggest automatically
new candidate regions, with higher accuracy. We suggest the use of
different classifiers methods, in order to achieve different knowledge
dataset configurations.

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