The Epistemological Crisis in the Theory of Vittorio Guidano

This work shows a basic philosophical difficulty in the constructivist foundations of the cognitive posracionalist psychology of Vittorio Guidano. This is a difficulty caused by the problem of the existential crisis. It will be analyzed how Guidano-s suggestions about this problem depend on felt experience. Then it will appear how Guidano-s philosophy and psychotherapy must turn towards a phenomenological approach. Finally, some references are given about Eugen Gendlin-s philosophy which could be considered as a radical way to confront these questions.

[1] G. Arciero, Estudios y diálogos sobre identidad personal.
Reflexiones sobre la experiencia humana. Buenos Aires:
Amorrortu, 2005. The quotations used in this paper have been
translated by me.
[2] V. Frankl, Logoterapia y Análisis Existencial, textos de cinco
décadas. Barcelona: Herder, 1990. The quotations used in this
paper have been translated by me.
[3] E. Gendlin, Psicoterapia Experiencial y Focusing. Madrid:
Desclée de Brower, 1997. The quotations used in this paper have
been translated by me.
[4] V. Guidano. "Los procesos del self continuidad vs.
discontinuidad". VI International Congress of Constructivism in
Psychotherapy, Siena, Italy, September 2-5, 1998. In The quotations used
in this paper have been translated by me.
[5] V. Guidano. "Historia de desarrollo y terapia individual de
psic├│ticos". Lecture given in Santiago, Chile (1993). Transcribed
by prof. Luis Onetto. School of Psychology, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Valparaíso, Unpublished. The quotations used in this
paper have been translated by me.
[6] V. Guidano, "Psicoterapia: Aspectos Metodol├│gicos, Problemas
Clínicos y Preguntas Abiertas". In The quotations used
in this paper have been translated by me.
[7] V. Guidano, Complexity of the Self. A Developmental Approach
to Psychopathology and Therapy, New York-London: The Gilford
Press, 1987.
[8] M. Heidegger, Was is Metaphysik?, Frankfurt: Vittorio
Klostermann, 1978. The quotations used in this paper have been
translated by me.
[9] M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, T├╝bingen: Max Niemeyer, 1967. The
quotations used in this paper have been translated by me.
[10] H. Maturana, La realidad: ┬┐objetiva o construida?, Madrid:
Anthropos, 1997. The quotations used in this paper have been
translated by me.