The Effects of Feeding Raw Fiber Concentrate on Growth Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Holstein Calves

Sixteen female Holstein calves allocated in three treatments including: 1: control, 2: fed raw fiber concentrate (RFC) for 45 days and 3: fed RFC for 90 days. RFC supplement (Vitacel® 200) was added to milk immediately before feeding (10 g/L milk). Withers height and body weights of calves were measured monthly. Individual dry matter intake was recorded daily. Blood samples were taken monthly. The result showed that calves consumed RFC had significantly greater weaning and final body weight. Treatment effect on dry matter intake was not significant (p>0.05). Calves fed RFC had better feed efficiency. Withers height of calves fed RFC were taller than the control group (p<0.05). Plasma cholesterol and total proteins concentrations in calves fed RFC were less than control group. We conclude that feeding RFC for 45 or 90 days in suckling period caused to achieve better feed efficiency and higher growth performance in Holstein calves.

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