Perceptions of Health Risks amongst Tertiary Education Students in Mauritius

A personal estimate of a health risk may not
correspond to a scientific assessment of the health risk. Hence, there
is a need to investigate perceived health risks in the public. In this
study, a young, educated and healthy group of people from a tertiary
institute were questioned about their health concerns. Ethics
clearance was obtained and data was collected by means of a
questionnaire. 362 students participated in the study. Tobacco use,
heavy alcohol drinking, illicit drugs, unsafe sex and potential
carcinogens were perceived to be the five greatest threats to health in
this cohort. On the other hand natural health products,
unemployment, unmet contraceptive needs, family violence and
homelessness were felt to be the least perceived health risks.
Nutrition-related health risks as well as health risks due to physical
inactivity and obesity were not perceived as major health threats.
Such a study of health perceptions may guide health promotion

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