Multi-Modal Visualization of Working Instructions for Assembly Operations

Growing individualization and higher numbers of
variants in industrial assembly products raise the complexity of
manufacturing processes. Technical assistance systems considering
both procedural and human factors allow for an increase in product
quality and a decrease in required learning times by supporting
workers with precise working instructions. Due to varying needs of
workers, the presentation of working instructions leads to several
challenges. This paper presents an approach for a multi-modal
visualization application to support assembly work of complex parts.
Our approach is integrated within an interconnected assistance system
network and supports the presentation of cloud-streamed textual
instructions, images, videos, 3D animations and audio files along
with multi-modal user interaction, customizable UI, multi-platform
support (e.g. tablet-PC, TV screen, smartphone or Augmented Reality
devices), automated text translation and speech synthesis. The worker
benefits from more accessible and up-to-date instructions presented
in an easy-to-read way.

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