Management of Meskit (Prosopis juliflora) Tree in Oman: The Case of Using Meskit (Prosopis juliflora) Pods for Feeding Omani Sheep

This study evaluated the use of raw or processed
Prosopis juliflora (Meskit) pods as a major ingredient in a formulated
ration to provide an alternative non-conventional concentrate for
livestock feeding in Oman. Dry Meskit pods were reduced to lengths
of 0.5- 1.0 cm to ensure thorough mixing into three diets. Meskit
pods were subjected to two types of treatments; roasting and soaking.
They were roasted at 150оC for 30 minutes using a locally-made
roasting device (40 kg barrel container rotated by electric motor and
heated by flame gas cooker). Chopped pods were soaked in tap water
for 24 hours and dried for 2 days under the sun with frequent turning.
The Meskit-pod-based diets (MPBD) were formulated and pelleted
from 500 g/kg ground Meskit pods, 240 g/kg wheat bran, 200 g/kg
barley grain, 50 g/kg local dried sardines and 10 g/kg of salt. Twenty
four 10 months-old intact Omani male lambs with average body
weight of 27.3 kg (± 0.5 kg) were used in a feeding trial for 84 days.
They were divided (on body weight basis) and allocated to four diet
combination groups. These were: Rhodes grass hay (RGH) plus a
general ruminant concentrate (GRC); RGH plus raw Meskit pods
(RMP) based concentrate; RGH plus roasted Meskit pods (ROMP)
based concentrate; RGH plus soaked Meskit pods (SMP) based
concentrate Daily feed intakes and bi-weekly body weights were
recorded. MPBD had higher contents of crude protein (CP), acid
detergent fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) than the
GRC. Animals fed various types of MPBD did not show signs of ill
health. There was a significant effect of feeding ROMP on the
performance of Omani sheep compared to RMP and SMP. The
ROMP fed animals had similar performance to those fed the GRC in
terms of feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio
(FCR).This study indicated that roasted Meskit pods based diet may
be used instead of the commercial concentrate for feeding Omani
sheep without adverse effects on performance. It offers a cheap
alternative source of protein and energy for feeding Omani sheep.
Also, it might help in solving the spread impact of Meskit trees,
maintain the ecosystem and helping in preserving the local tree

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