“Magnetic Cleansing” for the Provision of a ‘Quick Clean’ to Oiled Wildlife

This research is part of a broad program aimed at advancing the science and technology involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife. One aspect of this research involves the use of oil-sequestering magnetic particles for the removal of contaminants from plumage – so-called “magnetic cleansing". This treatment offers a number of advantages over conventional detergent-based methods including portability - which offers the possibility of providing a “quick clean" to the animal upon first encounter in the field. This could be particularly advantageous when the contaminant is toxic and/or corrosive and/or where there is a delay in transporting the victim to a treatment centre. The method could also be useful as part of a stabilization protocol when large numbers of affected animals are awaiting treatment. This presentation describes the design, development and testing of a prototype field kit for providing a “quick clean" to contaminated wildlife in the field.

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