GPS TEC Variation Affected by the Interhemispheric Conjugate Auroral Activity on 21 September 2009

This paper observed the interhemispheric conjugate auroral activity occurred on 21 September 2009. The GPS derived ionospheric total electron content (TEC) during a weak substorm interval recorded at interhemispheric conjugate points at Husafell in Iceland and Syowa in Antarctica is investigated to look at their signatures on the auroral features. Selection of all-sky camera (ASC) images and keogram at Tjörnes and Syowa during the interval 00:47:54 – 00:50:14 UT on 21 September 2009 found that the auroral activity had exerted their influence on the GPS TEC as a consequence of varying interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By polarity.

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