Firm Performance of Thai Cuisines in Bangkok, Thailand: Contribution to the Tourism Industry

This study is a descriptive-normative research. It
attempted to investigate the restaurants’ firm performance in terms of
the customers and restaurant personnel’s degree of satisfaction. A
total of 12 restaurants in Bangkok, Thailand that offer Thai cuisine
were included in this study. It involved 24 stockholders/managers,
120 subordinates and 360 customers. General Managers and
restaurants’ stockholders, 10 staffs, and 30 costumers for each
restaurant were chosen for random sampling. This study found that
respondents are slightly satisfied with their work environment but are
generally satisfied with the accessibility to transportation, to malls,
convenience, safety, recreation, noise-free, and attraction; customers
find the Quality of Food in most Thai Cuisines like services, prices of
food, sales promotion, and capital and length of service satisfactory.
Therefore, both stockholder-related and personnel-related factors
which are influenced by restaurant, personnel, and customer-related
factors are partially accepted whereas; customer-related factors which
are influenced by restaurant, personnel and customer-related factors
are rejected.

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