Evaluating the Effectiveness of Electronic Response Systems in Technology-Oriented Classes

Electronic Response Systems such as Kahoot, Poll
Everywhere, and Google Classroom are gaining a lot of popularity
when surveying audiences in events, meetings, and classroom. The
reason is mainly because of the ease of use and the convenience these
tools bring since they provide mobile applications with a simple user
interface. In this paper, we present a case study on the effectiveness
of using Electronic Response Systems on student participation and
learning experience in a classroom. We use a polling application
for class exercises in two different technology-oriented classes. We
evaluate the effectiveness of the usage of the polling applications
through statistical analysis of the students performance in these two
classes and compare them to the performances of students who
took the same classes without using the polling application for class
participation. Our results show an increase in the performances of the
students who used the Electronic Response System when compared
to those who did not by an average of 11%.


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