Effect of Retinoic Acid on Fetus Reproductive Organ Mice (Mus musculus) Swiss Webster

Retinoic acid is like a steroid hormone that plays a role in embryo formation, proliferation of spermatogonia cells, ephitelial cells differentiation and organogenesis. Retinoic acid can influences seminiferous tubule formation during embryonic testis development and also play a role in the regulation of ovarian function and female reproductive tract by suppressing the hormones FSH receptor expression. The excessive use of retinoic acid caused abnormalities in the fetus. The result showed that there is the influence of retinoic acid on the developmet of mice fetal testes, for examples disruption of the formation of seminiferous tubules and tubules seemed to be hollow, spermatogonia cells are relatively few in number and caused Leydig cells count relatively more. While in the female fetus does not caused the formation of primordial follicles and disrupted the development of germinal ephitelial cells of fetal ovaries of female mice (mus musculus) Swiss Webster.

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