Effect of Magnetic Field on Seed Germination of Two Wheat Cultivars

The effect of magnetic field on germination characteristics of two wheat Seeds has been studied under laboratory conditions. Seeds were magnetically exposed to magnetic field strengths, 125 or 250mT for different periods of time. Mean germination time and the time required to obtain 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90%of seeds to germinate were calculated. The germination time for each treatment were in general, higher than corresponding control values, in the other word in treated seeds time required for mean seed germination time increased nearly 3 hours in compared non treated control seeds. T10 for doses D5, D6, D11 and D12 significantly higher than the control values for both cultivars. Mean germination time (MGT) in both cultivars significantly increased when the time of seed exposed at magnetic field treatments increased , about 3 and 2 hour respectively for Omid and BCR cultivars.

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