Developing Emission Factors of Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions for Construction Sites in the Middle East Area

Fugitive particulate matter (PM) is a major source of
airborne pollution in the Middle East countries. The meteorological
conditions and topography of the area makes it highly susceptible to
wind-blown particles which raise many air quality concerns. Air
quality tools such as field monitoring, emission factors and dispersion
modeling have been used in previous research studies to analyze the
release and impacts of fugitive PM in the region. However, these
tools have been originally developed based on experiments made for
European and North American regions. In this work, an experimental
campaign was conducted on April-May 2014 in a construction site in
Doha city, Qatar. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the applicability of
the existing emission factors for construction sites in dry and arid
areas like the Middle East.

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