Analysis of Dust Particles in Snow Cover in the Surroundings of the City of Ostrava: Particle Size Distribution, Zeta Potential and Heavy Metal Content

In this paper, snow samples containing dust particles
from several sampling points around the city of Ostrava were
analyzed. The pH values of sampled snow were measured and solid
particles analyzed. Particle size, zeta potential and content of selected
heavy metals were determined in solid particles. The pH values of
most samples lay in the slightly acid region. Mean values of particle
size ranged from 290.5 to 620.5 nm. Zeta potential values varied
between -5 and -26.5 mV. The following heavy metal concentration
ranges were found: copper 0.08-0.75 mg/g, lead 0.05-0.9 mg/g,
manganese 0.45-5.9 mg/g and iron 25.7-280.46 mg/g. The highest
values of copper and lead were found in the vicinity of busy
crossroads, and on the contrary, the highest levels of manganese and
iron were detected close to a large steelworks. The proportion
between pH values, zeta potentials, particle sizes and heavy metal
contents was established. Zeta potential decreased with rising pH
values and, simultaneously, heavy metal content in solid particles
increased. At the same time, higher metal content corresponded to
lower particle size.


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