Altered Network Organization in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Compared to Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Resting-State EEG

Brain functional networks based on resting-state EEG
data were compared between patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease
(mAD) and matched patients with amnestic subtype of mild cognitive
impairment (aMCI). We integrated the time–frequency cross mutual
information (TFCMI) method to estimate the EEG functional
connectivity between cortical regions and the network analysis based
on graph theory to further investigate the alterations of functional
networks in mAD compared with aMCI group. We aimed at
investigating the changes of network integrity, local clustering,
information processing efficiency, and fault tolerance in mAD brain
networks for different frequency bands based on several topological
properties, including degree, strength, clustering coefficient, shortest
path length, and efficiency. Results showed that the disruptions of
network integrity and reductions of network efficiency in mAD
characterized by lower degree, decreased clustering coefficient, higher
shortest path length, and reduced global and local efficiencies in the
delta, theta, beta2, and gamma bands were evident. The significant
changes in network organization can be used in assisting
discrimination of mAD from aMCI in clinical.

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