Acceptance of Health Information Application in Smart National Identity Card (SNIC) Using a New I-P Framework

This study discovers a novel framework of individual
level technology adoption known as I-P (Individual- Privacy) towards
health information application in Smart National Identity Card. Many
countries introduced smart national identity card (SNIC) with various
applications such as health information application embedded inside
it. However, the degree to which citizens accept and use some of the
embedded applications in smart national identity remains unknown to
many governments and application providers as well. Moreover, the
factors of trust, perceived risk, Privacy concern and perceived
credibility need to be incorporated into more comprehensive models
such as extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology known as UTAUT2. UTAUT2 is a mainly widespread
and leading theory up to now. This research identifies factors
affecting the citizens’ behavioural intention to use health information
application embedded in SNIC and extends better understanding on
the relevant factors that the government and the application providers
would need to consider in predicting citizens’ new technology
acceptance in the future. We propose a conceptual framework by
combining the UTAUT2 and Privacy Calculus Model constructs and
also adding perceived credibility as a new variable. The proposed
framework may provide assistance to any government planning,
decision, and policy makers involving e-government projects.
Empirical study may be conducted in the future to provide proof and
empirically validate this I-P framework.

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