A Review: Comparative Study of Diverse Collection of Data Mining Tools

There have been a lot of efforts and researches undertaken in developing efficient tools for performing several tasks in data mining. Due to the massive amount of information embedded in huge data warehouses maintained in several domains, the extraction of meaningful pattern is no longer feasible. This issue turns to be more obligatory for developing several tools in data mining. Furthermore the major aspire of data mining software is to build a resourceful predictive or descriptive model for handling large amount of information more efficiently and user friendly. Data mining mainly contracts with excessive collection of data that inflicts huge rigorous computational constraints. These out coming challenges lead to the emergence of powerful data mining technologies. In this survey a diverse collection of data mining tools are exemplified and also contrasted with the salient features and performance behavior of each tool.

[1] Rapid Miner (Online). Available at: http://www.rapid-i.com/downloads/tutorial/rapidminer-4.6-tutorial.pdf
[2] Orange (Online). Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/jt_4285/data_mining_tool_orange
[3] Orange (Online). Available at: ftp://kibernetica.fov.uni-mb.si/PES/orange.pdf
[4] PSPP (Online). Available at: http://data-mining-tutorials.blogspot.in/2012/03/PSPP-alternative-to-spss.html
[5] Knime (Online). Available at: http://www.dataminingresearch.com/index.ph/2010/07/knime_open_source_data_mining_software/.
[6] Knime (Online). Available at: http//unipi.it/lib/exe/fetch.php/dm/knime_slides.pdf
[7] Weka (Online). Available at: http://www.gtbit.org/downloads/dwdmsem6/dwdmsem6lman.pdf
[8] Weka (Online). Available at: http://www.cs.ccsu.edu/nmarkov/weka.tutorial.pdf
[9] Rattle (Online). Available at: http://cs.anu.edu.au/rattle.pdf
[10] Rattle (Online). Available at: http://rattle.togaware.com/
[11] jHepWork (Online). Available at: http://www.top4download.com/jhepwork/noslwfpa.html
[12] jHepWork (Online). Available at: http://download.cnet.com/jHepWork/3000_2070 4_75833656.html
[13] Apache Mahout (Online). Available at: http://hortonworks.com/hadoop/mahout
[14] Alpha Miner (Online). Available at: http://alphaminer.software.informer.com/2.0
[15] Alpha Miner (Online). Available at: http://www.eti.hku.hk/alphaminer/
[16] Keel (Online). Available at: http://www.keel.es
[17] Keel (Online). Available at: http://www.salleurl.edu/GRSI/docs/keel_softcomputing.pdf
[18] Monarch (Online). Available at: http://www.ion.icaew.com/ClientFiles/72181ac8-e560-4bc4-8c20-6be215bef4bc/Monarch%20BI%20Brochure.pdf
[19] Tanagra (Online). Available at: http://eric.univ_lyon2.fr/~ricco/tanagra/en.tanagra.html
[20] Sipina (Online). Available at: http://eric.univ_lyon2.fr/~ricco/sipina