Decomposing the Impact Factors of Energy Consumption of Hotel through LMDI

Energy consumption of a hotel can be a hot topic in smart city; it is difficult to evaluate the contribution of impact factors to energy consumption of a hotel. Therefore, grasping the key impact factors has great effect on the energy saving management of a hotel. Based on the SPIRTPAT model, we establish the identity with the impact factors of occupancy rate, unit area of revenue, temperature factor, unit revenue of energy consumption. In this paper, we use the LMDI (Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index) to decompose the impact factors of energy consumption of hotel from Jan. to Dec. in 2001. The results indicate that the occupancy rate and unit area of revenue are the main factors that can increase unit area of energy consumption, and the unit revenue of energy consumption is the main factor to restrain the growth of unit area of energy consumption. When the energy consumption of hotel can appear abnormal, the hotel manager can carry out energy saving management and control according to the contribution value of impact factors.