Abstract: Sediment loads transfer in hydraulic installations and their consequences for the O&M of modern canal systems is emerging as one of the most important considerations in hydraulic engineering projects apriticularly those which are inteded to feed the irrigation and draiange schemes of large command areas such as the Dez and Mogahn in Iran.. The aim of this paper is to investigate the applicability of the vortex tube as a viable means of extracting sediment loads entering the canal systems in general and the water inatke structures in particulars. The Western conveyance canal of the Dez Diversion weir which feeds the Karkheh Flood Plain in Sothwestern Dezful has been used as the case study using the data from the Dastmashan Hydrometric Station. The SHARC software has been used as an analytical framework to interprete the data. Results show that given the grain size D50 and the canal turbulence the adaption length from the beginning of the canal and after the diversion dam is estimated at 477 m, a point which is suitable for laying the vortex tube.
Abstract: Sedimentation formation is a complex hydraulic phenomenon that has emerged as a major operational and maintenance consideration in modern hydraulic engineering in general and river engineering in particular. Sediments accumulation along the river course and their eventual storage in a form of islands affect water intake in the canal systems that are fed by the storage reservoirs. Without proper management, sediment transport can lead to major operational challenges in water distribution system of arid regions like the Dez and Hamidieh command areas. The paper aims to investigate sedimentation in the Western Canal of Dez Diversion Weir using the SHARC model and compare the results with the two intake structures of the Hamidieh dam in Iran using SSIIM model. The objective was to identify the factors which influence the process, check reliability of outcome and provide ways in which to mitigate the implications on operation and maintenance of the structures. Results estimated sand and silt bed loads concentrations to be 193 ppm and 827ppm respectively. This followed ,ore or less similar pattern in Hamidieh where the sediment formation impeded water intake in the canal system. Given the available data on average annual bed loads and average suspended sediment loads of 165ppm and 837ppm in the Dez, there was a significant statistical difference (16%) between the sand grains, whereas no significant difference (1.2%) was find in the silt grain sizes. One explanation for such finding being that along the 6 Km river course there was considerable meandering effects which explains recent shift in the hydraulic behavior along the stream course under investigation. The sand concentration in downstream relative to present state of the canal showed a steep descending curve. Sediment trapping on the other hand indicated a steep ascending curve. These occurred because the diversion weir was not considered in the simulation model. The comparative study showed very close similarities in the results which explains the fact that both software can be used as accurate and reliable analytical tools for simulation of the sedimentation in hydraulic engineering.
Abstract: Permanent rivers are the main sources of renewable
water supply for the croplands under the irrigation and drainage
schemes. They are also the major source of sediment loads transport
into the storage reservoirs of the hydro-electrical dams, diversion
weirs and regulating dams. Sedimentation process results from soil
erosion which is related to poor watershed management and human
intervention ion in the hydraulic regime of the rivers. These could
change the hydraulic behavior and as such, leads to riverbed and river
bank scouring, the consequences of which would be sediment load
transport into the dams and therefore reducing the flow discharge in
water intakes. The present paper investigate sedimentation process
by varying the Manning coefficient "n" by using the SHARC
software along the watercourse in the Dez River. Results indicated
that the optimum "n" within that river range is 0.0315 at which
quantity minimum sediment loads are transported into the Eastern
intake. Comparison of the model results with those obtained by those
from the SSIIM software within the same river reach showed a very
close proximity between them. This suggests a relative accuracy with
which the model can simulate the hydraulic flow characteristics and
therefore its suitability as a powerful analytical tool for project
feasibility studies and project implementation.
Abstract: Sediment formation and its transport along the river course is considered as important hydraulic consideration in river engineering. Their impact on the morphology of rivers on one hand and important considerations of which in the design and construction of the hydraulic structures on the other has attracted the attention of experts in arid and semi-arid regions. Under certain conditions where the momentum energy of the flow stream reaches a specific rate, the sediment materials start to be transported with the flow. This can usually be analyzed in two different categories of suspended and bed load materials. Sedimentation phenomenon along the waterways and the conveyance of vast volume of materials into the canal networks can potentially influence water abstraction in the intake structures. This can pose a serious threat to operational sustainability and water delivery performance in the canal networks. The situation is serious where ineffective watershed management (poor vegetation cover in the water basin) is the underlying cause of soil erosion which feeds the materials into the waterways that intern would necessitate comprehensive study. The present paper aims to present an analytical investigation of the sediment process in the waterways on one hand and estimation of the sediment load transport into the lined canals using the SHARC software on the other. For this reason, the paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the hydraulic behaviors of the Sabilli main canal that feeds the pumping station with that of the Western canal in the Greater Dezful region to identify effective factors in sedimentation and ways of mitigating their impact on water abstraction in the canal systems. The method involved use of observational data available in the Dezful Dastmashoon hydrometric station along a 6 km waterway of the Sabilli main canal using the SHARC software to estimate the suspended load concentration and bed load materials. Results showed the transport of a significant volume of sediment loads from the waterways into the canal system which is assumed to have arisen from the absence of stilling basin on one hand and the gravity flow on the other has caused serious challenges. This is contrary to what occurs in the Sabilli canal, where the design feature which incorporates a settling basin just before the pumping station is the major cause of reduced sediment load transport into the canal system.Results showed that modification of the present design features by constructing a settling basin just upstream of the western intake structure can considerably reduce the entry of sediment materials into the canal system. Not only this can result in the sustainability of the hydraulic structures but can also improve operational performance of water conveyance and distribution system, all of which are the pre-requisite to secure reliable and equitable water delivery regime for the command area.
Abstract: Sedimentation is a hydraulic phenomenon that is
emerging as a serious challenge in river engineering. When the flow
reaches a certain state that gather potential energy, it shifts the
sediment load along channel bed. The transport of such materials can
be in the form of suspended and bed loads. The movement of these
along the river course and channels and the ways in which this could
influence the water intakes is considered as the major challenges for
sustainable O&M of hydraulic structures. This could be very serious
in arid and semi-arid regions like Iran, where inappropriate watershed
management could lead to shifting a great deal of sediments into the
reservoirs and irrigation systems. This paper aims to investigate
sedimentation in the Western Canal of Dez Diversion Weir in Iran,
identifying factors which influence the process and provide ways in
which to mitigate its detrimental effects by using the SHARC
For the purpose of this paper, data from the Dezful water authority
and Dezful Hydrometric Station pertinent to a river course of about 6
Km were used.
Results estimated sand and silt bed loads concentrations to be 193
ppm and 827ppm respectively. Given the available data on average
annual bed loads and average suspended sediment loads of 165ppm
and 837ppm, there was a significant statistical difference (16%)
between the sand grains, whereas no significant difference (1.2%)
was find in the silt grain sizes. One explanation for such finding
being that along the 6 Km river course there was considerable
meandering effects which explains recent shift in the hydraulic
behavior along the stream course under investigation. The sand
concentration in downstream relative to present state of the canal
showed a steep descending curve. Sediment trapping on the other
hand indicated a steep ascending curve. These occurred because the
diversion weir was not considered in the simulation model.
Abstract: Analytical investigation of the sedimentation
processes in the river engineering and hydraulic structures is of vital
importance as this can affect water supply for the cultivating lands in
the command area. The reason being that gradual sediment formation
behind the reservoir can reduce the nominal capacity of these dams.
The aim of the present paper is to analytically investigate
sedimentation process along the river course and behind the storage
reservoirs in general and the Eastern Intake of the Dez Diversion weir
in particular using the SHARC software. Results of the model
indicated the water level at 115.97m whereas the real time
measurement from the river cross section was 115.98 m which
suggests a significantly close relation between them. The average
transported sediment load in the river was measured at 0.25mm ,
from which it can be concluded that nearly 100% of the suspended
loads in river are moving which suggests no sediment settling but
indicates that almost all sediment loads enters into the intake. It was
further showed the average sediment diameter entering the intake to
be 0.293 mm which in turn suggests that about 85% of suspended
sediments in the river entre the intake. Comparison of the results
from the SHARC model with those obtained form the SSIIM
software suggests quite similar outputs but distinguishing the
SHARC model as more appropriate for the analysis of simpler
problems than other model.