Abstract: In recent years, solid oxide fuel cells have been used as one of the main technologies for the production of electrical energy with high-efficiency ratio, which is used hydrogen and other hydrocarbons as fuels. The fuel cell technology can be used either alone or in hybrid gas turbines systems. In this study, thermodynamics analysis for GT-SOFC hybrid system is developed, and then mass balance and exergy equations have been applied not only on the process but also on the individual components of the hybrid system, which enable us to estimate the thermal efficiency of the hybrid systems. Furthermore, various sources of irreversibility in the solid oxide fuel cell system are discussed, and modeling and parametric analyses like heat and pressure are carried out. This study enables us to consider the irreversible effects of solid oxide fuel cells, and also it leads to the specification of efficiency of the system accurately. Next in the study, both methane and hydrogen as a fuel for SOFC are used and implemented, and finally, our results are compared with other references.
Abstract: Nowadays, solar energy is used for energy purposes such as the use of thermal energy for domestic, industrial and power applications, as well as the conversion of the sunlight into electricity by photovoltaic cells. In this study, the thermodynamic simulation of the solar Rankin cycle with phase change material (paraffin) was first studied. Then energy and exergy analyses were performed. For optimization, a single and multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm to maximize thermal and exergy efficiency was used. The parameters discussed in this paper included the effects of input pressure on turbines, input mass flow to turbines, the surface of converters and collector angles on thermal and exergy efficiency. In the organic Rankin cycle, where solar energy is used as input energy, the fluid selection is considered as a necessary factor to achieve reliable and efficient operation. Therefore, silicon oil is selected for a high-temperature cycle and water for a low-temperature cycle as an operating fluid. The results showed that increasing the mass flow to turbines 1 and 2 would increase thermal efficiency, while it reduces and increases the exergy efficiency in turbines 1 and 2, respectively. Increasing the inlet pressure to the turbine 1 decreases the thermal and exergy efficiency, and increasing the inlet pressure to the turbine 2 increases the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency. Also, increasing the angle of the collector increased thermal efficiency and exergy. The thermal efficiency of the system was 22.3% which improves to 33.2 and 27.2% in single-objective and multi-objective optimization, respectively. Also, the exergy efficiency of the system was 1.33% which has been improved to 1.719 and 1.529% in single-objective and multi-objective optimization, respectively. These results showed that the thermal and exergy efficiency in a single-objective optimization is greater than the multi-objective optimization.
Abstract: This paper compares the energy and exergy efficiency of a vapour compression refrigeration system using refrigerants of different groups. In this study, five different refrigerants including R507A, R134a, R114, R22 and R717 have been studied. EES Program is used to solve the thermodynamic equations. The results of this analysis are shown graphically. Based on the results, energy and exergy efficiencies for R717 are higher than the other refrigerants. Also, the energy and exergy efficiencies will be decreased with increasing the condensing temperature and decreasing the evaporating temperature.
Abstract: A thermodynamic study is performed on the Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination process for brackish water. The detailed RO model of thermodynamics properties with and without an energy recovery device was built in Simulink/MATLAB and validated against reported measurement data. The efficiency of desalination plants can be estimated by both the first and second laws of thermodynamics. While the first law focuses on the quantity of energy, the second law analysis (i.e. exergy analysis) introduces quality. This paper used the Main Outfall Drain in Iraq as a case study to conduct energy and exergy analysis of RO process. The result shows that it is feasible to use energy recovery method for reverse osmosis with salinity less than 15000 ppm as the exergy efficiency increases twice. Moreover, this analysis shows that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the rejected water and lowest occurs in the permeate flow rate accounting 37% for 4.3% respectively.
Abstract: In this paper, a comparative study is done between two fuels, naphtha and natural gas (NG), for a gas turbine (GT) plant of 32.5 MW with the same thermodynamic configuration. From the energy analysis, it is confirmed that the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) of the gas turbine in the case of natural gas is higher as compared to naphtha, and hence the isentropic efficiency of the turbine is better. The result from the exergy analysis also confirms that due to high turbine inlet temperature in the case of natural gas, exergy destruction in combustion chamber is less. But comparing two fuels for overall analysis, naphtha has higher energy and exergetic efficiency as compared to natural gas.
Abstract: This paper presents a comparative exergy analysis of ammonia-water Rankine cycles with and without regeneration and Kalina cycle for recovery of low-temperature heat source. Special attention is paid to the effect of system parameters such as ammonia mass fraction and turbine inlet pressure on the exergetical performance of the systems. Results show that maximum exergy efficiency can be obtained in the regenerative Rankine cycle for high turbine inlet pressures. However, Kalina cycle shows better exergy efficiency for low turbine inlet pressures, and the optimum ammonia mass fractions of Kalina cycle are lower than Rankine cycles.
Abstract: This paper presents the performance, based on exergy analysis of double flow solar air heaters with corrugated and flat plate absorber. A mathematical model of double flow solar air heater based on energy balance equations has been presented and the results obtained have been compared with that of a conventional flat-plate solar air heater. The double flow corrugated absorber solar air heater performs thermally better than the flat plate double flow and conventional flat-plate solar air heater under same operating conditions. However, the corrugated absorber leads to higher pressure drop thereby increasing pumping power. The results revealed that the energy and exergy efficiencies of double flow corrugated absorber solar air heater is much higher than conventional solar air heater with the concept involving of increase in heat transfer surface area and turbulence in air flow. The results indicate that the energy efficiency increases, however, exergy efficiency decreases with increase in mass flow rate.
Abstract: This paper studies the effect of ambient conditions on the performance of a 285 MW gas turbine unit using the exergy concept. Based on the available exergy balance models developed, a computer program has been constructed to investigate the performance of the power plant under varying ambient temperature and relative humidity conditions. The variations of ambient temperature range from zero to 50 ºC and the relative humidity ranges from zero to 100%, while the unit load kept constant at 100% of the design load. The exergy destruction ratio and exergy efficiency are determined for each component and for the entire plant. The results show a moderate increase in the total exergy destruction ratio of the plant from 62.05% to 65.20%, while the overall exergy efficiency decrease from 38.2% to 34.8% as the ambient temperature increases from zero to 50 ºC at all relative humidity values. Furthermore, an increase of 1 ºC in ambient temperature leads to 0.063% increase in the total exergy destruction ratio and 0.07% decrease in the overall exergy efficiency. The relative humidity has a remarkable influence at higher ambient temperature values on the exergy destruction ratio of combustion chamber and on exergy loss ratio of the exhaust gas but almost no effect on the total exergy destruction ratio and overall exergy efficiency. At 50 ºC ambient temperature, the exergy destruction ratio of the combustion chamber increases from 30% to 52% while the exergy loss ratio of the exhaust gas decreases from 28% to 8% as the relative humidity increases from zero to 100%. In addition, exergy analysis reveals that the combustion chamber and exhaust gas are the main source of irreversibility in the gas turbine unit. It is also identified that the exergy efficiency and exergy destruction ratio are considerably dependent on the variations in the ambient air temperature and relative humidity. Therefore, the incorporation of the existing gas turbine plant with inlet air cooling and humidifier technologies should be considered seriously.
Abstract: In the current study, energy and exergy analysis of a 65 MW steam power plant was carried out. This study investigated the effect of variations of overall conductance of the super heater on the performance of an existing steam power plant located in Derna, Libya. The performance of the power plant was estimated by a mathematical modelling which considers the off-design operating conditions of each component. A fully interactive computer program based on the mass, energy and exergy balance equations has been developed. The maximum exergy destruction has been found in the steam generation unit. A 50% reduction in the design value of overall conductance of the super heater has been achieved, which accordingly decreases the amount of the net electrical power that would be generated by at least 13 MW, as well as the overall plant exergy efficiency by at least 6.4%, and at the same time that would cause an increase of the total exergy destruction by at least 14 MW. The achieved results showed that the super heater design and operating conditions play an important role on the thermodynamics performance and the fuel utilization of the power plant. Moreover, these considerations are very useful in the process of the decision that should be taken at the occasions of deciding whether to replace or renovate the super heater of the power plant.
Abstract: In present paper, the performance of various alternative refrigerants is compared to find the substitute of R22, the widely used hydrochlorofluorocarbon refrigerant in developing countries. These include the environmentally friendly hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants such as R134A, R410A, R407C and M20. In the present study, a steady state thermodynamic model (includes both first and second law analysis) which simulates the working of an actual vapor-compression system is developed. The model predicts the performance of system with alternative refrigerants. Considering the recent trends of replacement of ozone depleting refrigerants and improvement in system efficiency, R407C is found to be potential candidate to replace R22 refrigerant in the present study.
Abstract: In this paper, the exergy analysis of vapor absorption
refrigeration system using LiBr-H2O as working fluid is carried out
with the modified Gouy-Stodola approach rather than the classical
Gouy-Stodola equation and effect of varying input parameters is also
studied on the performance of the system. As the modified approach
uses the concept of effective temperature, the mathematical
expressions for effective temperature have been formulated and
calculated for each component of the system. Various constraints and
equations are used to develop program in EES to solve these
equations. The main aim of this analysis is to determine the
performance of the system and the components having major
irreversible loss. Results show that exergy destruction rate is
considerable in absorber and generator followed by evaporator and
condenser. There is an increase in exergy destruction in generator,
absorber and condenser and decrease in the evaporator by the
modified approach as compared to the conventional approach. The
value of exergy determined by the modified Gouy-Stodola equation
deviates maximum i.e. 26% in the generator as compared to the
exergy calculated by the classical Gouy-Stodola method.
Abstract: Seawater desalination has been accepted as one of the most effective solutions to the growing problem of a diminishing clean drinking water supply. Currently two desalination technologies dominate the market – the thermally driven multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and the membrane based reverse osmosis (RO). However, in recent years membrane distillation (MD) has emerged as a potential alternative to the established means of desalination. This research project intended to determine the viability of MD as an alternative process to MSF and RO for seawater desalination. Specifically the project involves conducting thermodynamic analysis of the process based on the second law of thermodynamics to determine the efficiency of the MD. Data was obtained from experiments carried out on a laboratory rig. To determine exergy values required for the exergy analysis, two separate models were built in Engineering Equation Solver – the ’Minimum Separation Work Model’ and the ‘Stream Exergy Model’. The efficiency of MD process was found to be 17.3 % and the energy consumption was determined to be 4.5 kWh to produce one cubic meter of fresh water. The results indicate MD has potential as a technique for seawater desalination compared to RO and MSF. However it was shown that this was only the case if an alternate energy source such as green or waste energy was available to provide the thermal energy input to the process. If the process was required to power itself, it was shown to be highly inefficient and in no way thermodynamically viable as a commercial desalination process.
Abstract: Cogeneration may be defined as a system which
contains electricity production and regain of the thermo value of
exhaust gases simultaneously. The examination is based on the data-s
of an active cogeneration plant. This study, it is aimed to determine
which component of the system should be revised first to raise the
efficiency and decrease the loss of exergy. For this purpose, second
law analysis of thermodynamics is applied to each component due to
consider the effects of environmental conditions and take the quality
of energy into consideration as well as the quantity of it. The exergy
balance equations are produced and exergy loss is calculated for each
component. 44,44 % loss of exergy in heat exchanger, 29,59 % in
combustion chamber, 18,68 % in steam boiler, 5,25 % in gas turbine
and 2,03 % in compressor is calculated.
Abstract: This paper presented a novel combined cycle of air separation and natural gas liquefaction. The idea is that natural gas can be liquefied, meanwhile gaseous or liquid nitrogen and oxygen are produced in one combined cryogenic system. Cycle simulation and exergy analysis were performed to evaluate the process and thereby reveal the influence of the crucial parameter, i.e., flow rate ratio through two stages expanders β on heat transfer temperature difference, its distribution and consequent exergy loss. Composite curves for the combined hot streams (feeding natural gas and recycled nitrogen) and the cold stream showed the degree of optimization available in this process if appropriate β was designed. The results indicated that increasing β reduces temperature difference and exergy loss in heat exchange process. However, the maximum limit value of β should be confined in terms of minimum temperature difference proposed in heat exchanger design standard and heat exchanger size. The optimal βopt under different operation conditions corresponding to the required minimum temperature differences was investigated.
Abstract: Energy and exergy study of air-water combined solar collector which is called dual purpose solar collector (DPSC) is investigated. The method of ε - NTU is used. Analysis is performed for triangle channels. Parameters like the air flow rate and water inlet temperature are studied. Results are shown that DPSC has better energy and exergy efficiency than single collector. In addition, the triangle passage with water inlet temperature of 60O C has shown better exergy and energy efficiency.
Abstract: This paper provides an exergy analysis of the multistage refrigeration cycle used for C2+ recovery plant. The behavior of an industrial refrigeration cycle with refrigerant propane has been investigated by the exergy method. A computational model based on the exergy analysis is presented for the investigation of the effects of the valves on the exergy losses, the second law of efficiency, and the coefficient of performance (COP) of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. The equations of exergy destruction and exergetic efficiency for the main cycle components such as evaporators, condensers, compressors, and expansion valves are developed. The relations for the total exergy destruction in the cycle and the cycle exergetic efficiency are obtained. An ethane recovery unit with its refrigeration cycle has been simulated to prepare the exergy analysis. Using a typical actual work input value; the exergetic efficiency of the refrigeration cycle is determined to be 39.90% indicating a great potential for improvements. The simulation results reveal that the exergetic efficiencies of the heat exchanger and expansion sections get the lowest rank among the other compartments of refrigeration cycle. Refrigeration calculations have been carried out through the analysis of T–S and P–H diagrams where coefficient of performance (COP) was obtained as 1.85. The novelty of this article includes the effect and sensitivity analysis of molar flow, pressure drops and temperature on the exergy efficiency and coefficient of performance of the cycle.
Abstract: In this paper a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM)
fuel cell power system including burner, steam reformer, heat
exchanger and water heater has been considered to meet the
electrical, heating, cooling and domestic hot water loads of
residential building which in Tehran. The system uses natural gas as
fuel and works in CHP mode. Design and operating conditions of a
PEM fuel cell system is considered in this study. The energy
requirements of residential building and the number of fuel cell
stacks to meet them have been estimated. The method involved
exergy analysis and entropy generation thorough the months of the
year. Results show that all the energy needs of the building can be
met with 12 fuel cell stacks at a nominal capacity of 8.5 kW. Exergy
analysis of the CHP system shows that the increase in the ambient air
temperature from 1oC to 40oC, will have an increase of entropy
generation by 5.73%.Maximum entropy generates for 15 hour in 15th
of June and 15th of July is estimated to amount at 12624 (kW/K).
Entropy generation of this system through a year is estimated to
amount to 1004.54 GJ/k.year.
Abstract: Because of importance of energy, optimization of
power generation systems is necessary. Gas turbine cycles are
suitable manner for fast power generation, but their efficiency is
partly low. In order to achieving higher efficiencies, some
propositions are preferred such as recovery of heat from exhaust
gases in a regenerator, utilization of intercooler in a multistage
compressor, steam injection to combustion chamber and etc.
However thermodynamic optimization of gas turbine cycle, even
with above components, is necessary. In this article multi-objective
genetic algorithms are employed for Pareto approach optimization of
Regenerative-Intercooling-Gas Turbine (RIGT) cycle. In the multiobjective
optimization a number of conflicting objective functions
are to be optimized simultaneously. The important objective
functions that have been considered for optimization are entropy
generation of RIGT cycle (Ns) derives using Exergy Analysis and
Gouy-Stodola theorem, thermal efficiency and the net output power
of RIGT Cycle. These objectives are usually conflicting with each
other. The design variables consist of thermodynamic parameters
such as compressor pressure ratio (Rp), excess air in combustion
(EA), turbine inlet temperature (TIT) and inlet air temperature (T0).
At the first stage single objective optimization has been investigated
and the method of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
(NSGA-II) has been used for multi-objective optimization.
Optimization procedures are performed for two and three objective
functions and the results are compared for RIGT Cycle. In order to
investigate the optimal thermodynamic behavior of two objectives,
different set, each including two objectives of output parameters, are
considered individually. For each set Pareto front are depicted. The
sets of selected decision variables based on this Pareto front, will
cause the best possible combination of corresponding objective
functions. There is no superiority for the points on the Pareto front
figure, but they are superior to any other point. In the case of three
objective optimization the results are given in tables.
Abstract: This paper presents the exergy analysis of a
desalination unit using humidification-dehumidification process.
Here, this unit is considered as a thermal system with three main
components, which are the heating unit by using a solar collector, the
evaporator or the humidifier, and the condenser or the dehumidifier.
In these components the exergy is a measure of the quality or grade
of energy and it can be destroyed in them. According to the second
law of thermodynamics this destroyed part is due to irreversibilities
which must be determined to obtain the exergetic efficiency of the
In the current paper a computer program has been developed using
visual basic to determine the exergy destruction and the exergetic
efficiencies of the components of the desalination unit at variable
operation conditions such as feed water temperature, outlet air
temperature, air to feed water mass ratio and salinity, in addition to
cooling water mass flow rate and inlet temperature, as well as
quantity of solar irradiance.
The results obtained indicate that the exergy efficiency of the
humidifier increases by increasing the mass ratio and decreasing the
outlet air temperature. In the other hand the exergy efficiency of the
condenser increases with the increase of this ratio and also with the
increase of the outlet air temperature.