Numerical Analysis of Flow past Circular Cylinder with Triangular and Rectangular Wake Splitter

In the present work flow past circular cylinder and cylinder with rectangular and triangular wake splitter is studied to improve aerodynamic parameters. The Comparison of drag coefficient is tabulated for bare cylinder, cylinder with rectangular and triangular wake splitters. Flow past circular cylinder and cylinder with triangular and rectangular wake splitter is performed at Reynoldsnumber 5, 20, 40, 50,80, 100.An incompressible PISO finite volume code employing a non-staggered grid arrangement is used, a second order upwind scheme is used for convective terms. The time discretization is implicit and a Second order Crank-Nicholson scheme is employed. Length of wake splitter in both configurations is taken to be equal to diameter of cylinder. Wake length is found to be less with rectangular wake splitter when compared to bare cylinder and cylinder with triangular wake splitter. Coefficient of drag is found to be less for triangular wake splitter when compared to bare cylinder & cylinder with rectangular wake splitter.

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