DEMO Based Optimal Power Purchase Planning Under Electricity Price Uncertainty
Due to the deregulation of the Electric Supply
Industry and the resulting emergence of electricity market, the
volumes of power purchases are on the rise all over the world. In a
bid to meet the customer-s demand in a reliable and yet economic
manner, utilities purchase power from the energy market over and
above its own production. This paper aims at developing an optimal
power purchase model with two objectives viz economy and
environment ,taking various functional operating constraints such as
branch flow limits, load bus voltage magnitudes limits, unit capacity
constraints and security constraints into consideration.The price of
purchased power being an uncertain variable is modeled using fuzzy
logic. DEMO (Differential Evolution For Multi-objective
Optimization) is used to obtain the pareto-optimal solution set of the
multi-objective problem formulated. Fuzzy set theory has been
employed to extract the best compromise non-dominated solution.
The results obtained on IEEE 30 bus system are presented and
compared with that of NSGAII.
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[2] R.W. Ferrero, S.M. Shahidehpour, "Short-term power purchase
considering uncertain prices, " Generation, Transmission and
Distribution, IEE Proceedings, Vol. 144, No. 5, pp. 423-428, Sept
[3] S. Agrawal, B.K. Panigrahi, M.K. Tiwari, "Multiobjective particle
swarm algorithm with fuzzy clustering for electrical power dispatch,"
IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., vol.12, no. 5, pp. 529-541, Oct. 2008.
[4] Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., Meyarivan, T.," A fast and elitist
multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II," IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation,vol 6, pp.182-197,2002.
[5] L. Zhang, P. B. Luh, X. Guan, and G. Merchel, "Optimization-Based
Inter-Utility Power Purchases," IEEE Transactions on Power systems,
Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1994, pp. 891-897.
[6] RuiMa,HongwengYan,Xiaojiao Tong,"Multiobjective fuzzy optimal
transaction planning based optimal power flow for electricity market",
in Proc. 7th Int. Power Engineering Conf, 2005. IPEC2005,pp.1-
[7] Yongjun Zhang; Wengen Yuan; Bangfeng Li; Minchuan Liao;"
Optimal power purchase planning of hainan power grid company" in
Proc. Int. Power Engineering Conf, 2007. IPEC 2007, 3-6 Dec. 2007,pp.
1355 - 1359.
[8] Guoli Zhang, Siyan Wang , Mingxin Dou ,"The decision making
method for power purchase and distribution planning with a new
adaptive genetic algorithm" , in Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Power
Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS), 19-20 Dec.
2009,vol.2, pp. 168 - 171.
[9] T. Robic and B. Filipic, "DEMO: Differential evolution for multiobjective
optimization," in Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Evol. Multi-Criterion
Optimization, LNCS 3410. ,2005, pp. 520-533.
[10] Price,K.V.,Storn,R:Differential evolution-a simple evolution strategy for
fast optimization.Dr.Dobb-s Journal ,vol.22,pp.18-24,1997.
[11] M. Farina, P. Amato, "A fuzzy definition of "optimality" for
manycriteria optimization problems", IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, Part A, vol.34,no.3, pp. 315-326,2004.
@article{"International Journal of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Sciences:50059", author = "Tulika Bhattacharjee and A. K.Chakraborty", title = "DEMO Based Optimal Power Purchase Planning Under Electricity Price Uncertainty", abstract = "Due to the deregulation of the Electric Supply
Industry and the resulting emergence of electricity market, the
volumes of power purchases are on the rise all over the world. In a
bid to meet the customer-s demand in a reliable and yet economic
manner, utilities purchase power from the energy market over and
above its own production. This paper aims at developing an optimal
power purchase model with two objectives viz economy and
environment ,taking various functional operating constraints such as
branch flow limits, load bus voltage magnitudes limits, unit capacity
constraints and security constraints into consideration.The price of
purchased power being an uncertain variable is modeled using fuzzy
logic. DEMO (Differential Evolution For Multi-objective
Optimization) is used to obtain the pareto-optimal solution set of the
multi-objective problem formulated. Fuzzy set theory has been
employed to extract the best compromise non-dominated solution.
The results obtained on IEEE 30 bus system are presented and
compared with that of NSGAII.", keywords = "Deregulation, Differential Evolution, Multi objective
Optimization, Pareto Optimal Set, Optimal Power Flow", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "11-6", }