Causal Factors Affecting on Trustworthiness and Success of the National Press Council of Thailand in Regulating Professional Ethics in Views of Newspaper Journalists

The objectives of this research were 1) to study the opinions of newspaper journalists about their trustworthiness in the National Press Council of Thailand (NPCT) and the NPCT-s success in regulating the professional ethics; and 2) to study the differences among mean vectors of the variables of trustworthiness in the NPCT and opinions on the NPCT-s success in regulating professional ethics among samples working at different work positions and from different affiliation of newspaper organizations. The results showed that 1) Interaction effects between the variables of work positions and affiliation were not statistically significant at the confidence level of 0.05. 2) There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the views of journalists (reporters, heads of news desks and editors) at newspapers in the Bangkok metropolis and at local newspapers in other regions regarding their level of trustworthiness in the NPCT-s fulfillment of its duty to regulate professional ethics.

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