Abstract: Chitosans, CSs, in solution are increasingly used in a range of geometric properties in various academic and industrial sectors, especially in the domain of pharmaceutical and biomedical engineering. In order to provide a tailoring guide of CSs to the applicants, gamma (γ)-irradiation technology and simple viscosity measurements have been used in this study. Accordingly, CS solid discs (0.5 cm thickness and 2.5 cm diameter) were exposed in air to Cobalt-60 (γ)-radiation, at room temperature and constant 50 kGy dose for different periods of exposer time (tγ). Diluted solutions of native and different irradiated CS were then prepared by dissolving 1.25 mg cm-3 of each polymer in 0.1 M NaCl/0.2 M CH3COOH. The single-concentration relative viscosity (ƞr) measurements were employed to obtain their intrinsic viscosity ([ƞ]) values and interrelated parameters, like: the molar mass (Mƞ), hydrodynamic radiuses (RH,ƞ), radius of gyration (RG,ƞ), and second virial coefficient (A2,ƞ) of CSs in the solution. The results show an exponential decrease of ƞr, [ƞ], Mƞ, RH,ƞ and RG,ƞ with increasing tγ. This suggests the influence of random chain-scission of CSs glycosidic bonds, with rate constant kr and kr-1 (lifetime τr ~ 0.017 min-1 and 57.14 min, respectively). The results also show an exponential decrease of A2ƞ with increasing tγ, which can be attributed to the growth of excluded volume effect in CS segments by tγ and, hence, better solution quality. The results are represented in following scaling laws as a tailoring guide to the applicants: RH,ƞ = 6.98 x 10-3 Mr0.65; RG,ƞ = 7.09 x 10-4 Mr0.83; A2,ƞ = 121.03 Mƞ,r-0.19.
Abstract: The type of foundation commonly used today for berthing dolphins is a set of tubular steel piles with large diameters, which are known as monopiles. The design of these monopiles is based on the theories related with laterally loaded piles. One of the most common methods to analyze and design the piles subjected to lateral loads is the p-y curves. In the present study, centrifuge tests are conducted in order to obtain the p-y curves. Series of tests were designed in order to investigate the scaling laws in the centrifuge for monotonic loading. Also, two important parameters, the embedded depth L of the pile in the soil and free length e of the pile, as well as their ratios were studied via five experimental tests. Finally, the p-y curves of API are presented to be compared with the curves obtained from the tests so that the differences could be demonstrated. The results show that the p-y curves proposed by API highly overestimate the lateral load bearing capacity. It suggests that these curves need correction and modification for each site as the soil conditions change.
Abstract: A mechanical wave or vibration propagating through
granular media exhibits a specific signature in time. A coherent
pulse or wavefront arrives first with multiply scattered waves (coda)
arriving later. The coherent pulse is micro-structure independent i.e.
it depends only on the bulk properties of the disordered granular
sample, the sound wave velocity of the granular sample and hence
bulk and shear moduli. The coherent wavefront attenuates (decreases
in amplitude) and broadens with distance from its source. The
pulse attenuation and broadening effects are affected by disorder
(polydispersity; contrast in size of the granules) and have often been
attributed to dispersion and scattering. To study the effect of disorder
and initial amplitude (non-linearity) of the pulse imparted to the
system on the coherent wavefront, numerical simulations have been
carried out on one-dimensional sets of particles (granular chains).
The interaction force between the particles is given by a Hertzian
contact model. The sizes of particles have been selected randomly
from a Gaussian distribution, where the standard deviation of this
distribution is the relevant parameter that quantifies the effect of
disorder on the coherent wavefront. Since, the coherent wavefront is
system configuration independent, ensemble averaging has been used
for improving the signal quality of the coherent pulse and removing
the multiply scattered waves. The results concerning the width of the
coherent wavefront have been formulated in terms of scaling laws. An
experimental set-up of photoelastic particles constituting a granular
chain is proposed to validate the numerical results.
Abstract: This paper presents the scaling laws that provide the
criteria of geometry and dynamic similitude between the full-size
rotor-shaft system and its scale model, and can be used to predict the
torsional vibration characteristics of the full-size rotor-shaft system by
manipulating the corresponding data of its scale model. The scaling
factors, which play fundamental roles in predicting the geometry and
dynamic relationships between the full-size rotor-shaft system and its
scale model, for torsional free vibration problems between scale and
full-size rotor-shaft systems are firstly obtained from the equation of
motion of torsional free vibration. Then, the scaling factor of external
force (i.e., torque) required for the torsional forced vibration problems
is determined based on the Newton’s second law. Numerical results
show that the torsional free and forced vibration characteristics of a
full-size rotor-shaft system can be accurately predicted from those of
its scale models by using the foregoing scaling factors. For this reason,
it is believed that the presented approach will be significant for
investigating the relevant phenomenon in the scale model tests.
Abstract: The prediction of financial time series is a very
complicated process. If the efficient market hypothesis holds, then the predictability of most financial time series would be a rather
controversial issue, due to the fact that the current price contains already all available information in the market. This paper extends
the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for High Frequency
Trading which is an expert system that is capable of using fuzzy reasoning combined with the pattern recognition capability of neural networks to be used in financial forecasting and trading in high
frequency. However, in order to eliminate unnecessary input in the
training phase a new event based volatility model was proposed.
Taking volatility and the scaling laws of financial time series into consideration has brought about the development of the Intraday Seasonality Observation Model. This new model allows the observation of specific events and seasonalities in data and subsequently removes any unnecessary data. This new event based
volatility model provides the ANFIS system with more accurate input
and has increased the overall performance of the system.