The Relationship between Depression Interpersonal Communication and Media Using Among International Students

Student-s movements have been going increasing in last decades. International students can have different psychological and sociological problems in their adaptation process. Depression is one of the most important problems in this procedure. This research purposed to reveal level of foreign students- depression, kinds of interpersonal communication networks (host/ethnic interpersonal communication) and media usage (host/ethnic media usage). Additionally study aimed to display the relationship between depression and communication (host/ethnic interpersonal communication and host/ethnic media usage) among foreign university students. A field research was performed among 283 foreign university students who have been attending 8 different universities in Turkey. A purposeful sampling technique was used in this research cause of data collect facilities. Results indicated that 58.3% of foreign students- depression stage was “intermediate" while 33.2% of foreign students- depression level was “low". Add to this, host interpersonal communication behaviors and Turkish web sites usages were negatively and significantly correlated with depression.