Abstract: The paper presents the influence of non-metallic inclusions on the multi-stage forging process and the mechanical properties of the dodecagon socket bolt used in the automotive industry. The detected metallurgical defect was so large that it directly influenced the mechanical properties of the bolt and resulted in failure to meet the requirements of the mechanical property class. In order to assess the defect, an X-ray examination and metallographic examination of the defective bolt were performed, showing exogenous non-metallic inclusion. The size of the defect on the cross section was 0.531 mm in width and 1.523 mm in length; the defect was continuous along the entire axis of the bolt. In analysis, a finite element method (FEM) simulation of the multi-stage forging process was designed, taking into account a non-metallic inclusion parallel to the sample axis, reflecting the studied case. The process of defect propagation due to material upset in the head area was analyzed. The final forging stage in shaping the dodecagonal socket and filling the flange area was particularly studied. The effect of the defect was observed to significantly reduce the effective cross-section as a result of the expansion of the defect perpendicular to the axis of the bolt. The mechanical properties of products with and without the defect were analyzed. In the first step, the hardness test confirmed that the required value for the mechanical class 8.8 of both bolt types was obtained. In the second step, the bolts were subjected to a static tensile test. The bolts without the defect gave a positive result, while all 10 bolts with the defect gave a negative result, achieving a tensile strength below the requirements. Tensile strength tests were confirmed by metallographic tests and FEM simulation with perpendicular inclusion spread in the area of the head. The bolts were damaged directly under the bolt head, which is inconsistent with the requirements of ISO 898-1. It has been shown that non-metallic inclusions with orientation in accordance with the axis of the bolt can directly cause loss of functionality and these defects should be detected even before assembling in the machine element.
Abstract: This study presents simulations of an aluminium melt containing an initially non-dispersed fly ash nanoparticle phase. Mixing is affected predominantly by means of forced extensional flow via either straight or slanted orifices. The sensitivity to various process parameters is determined. The simulated process is used for the production of cast fly ash-aluminium nanocomposites. The possibilities for rod and plate stock grading in the context of a continuous casting process implementation are discussed.
Abstract: In the present study, M2 high speed steels were
fabricated by using electro-slag rapid remelting process. Carbide
structure was analysed and the fracture toughness and hardness were
also measured after austenitization treatment at 1190 and 1210oC
followed by tempering treatment at 535oC for billets with various
diameters from 16 to 60 mm. Electro-slag rapid remelting (ESRR)
process is an advanced ESR process combined by continuous casting
and successfully employed in this study to fabricate a sound M2 high
speed ingot. Three other kinds of commercial M2 high speed steels,
produced by traditional method, were also analysed for comparison.
Distribution and structure of eutectic carbides of the ESRR billet were
found to be comparable to those of commercial alloy and so was the
fracture toughness.
Abstract: The present article deals with a composite casting process that allows to produce bilayer AlSn6-Al strips based on the technique of horizontal continuous casting. In the first part experimental investigations on the production of a single layer AlSn6 strip are described. Afterwards essential results of basic compound casting trials using simple test specimen are presented to define the thermal conditions required for a metallurgical compound between the alloy AlSn6 and pure aluminium. Subsequently, numerical analyses are described. A finite element model was used to examine a continuous composite casting process. As a result of the simulations the main influencing parameters concerning the thermal conditions within the composite casting region could be pointed out. Finally, basic guidance is given for the design of an appropriate composite mould system.
Abstract: The paper discusses a 3D numerical solution of the inverse boundary problem for a continuous casting process of alloy. The main goal of the analysis presented within the paper was to estimate heat fluxes along the external surface of the ingot. The verified information on these fluxes was crucial for a good design of a mould, effective cooling system and generally the whole caster. In the study an enthalpy-porosity technique implemented in Fluent package was used for modeling the solidification process. In this method, the phase change interface was determined on the basis of the liquid fraction approach. In inverse procedure the sensitivity analysis was applied for retrieving boundary conditions. A comparison of the measured and retrieved values showed a high accuracy of the computations. Additionally, the influence of the accuracy of measurements on the estimated heat fluxes was also investigated.
Abstract: Horizontal continuous casting is widely used to
produce semi-finished non-Ferrous products. Homogeneity in the
metallurgical characteristics and mechanical properties for this
product is vital for industrial application. In the present work, the
microstructure and mechanical properties of a horizontal continuous
cast two-phase brass billet have been studied. Impact strength and
hardness variations were examined and the phase composition and
porosity studied with image analysis software. Distinct differences in
mechanical properties were observed between the upper, middle and
lower parts of the billet, which are explained in terms of the
morphology and size of the phase in the microstructure. Hardness
variation in the length of billet is higher in upper area but impact
strength is higher in lower areas.