The Image as an Initial Element of the Cognitive Understanding of Words

An analysis of word semantics focusing on the invariance of advanced imagery in several pressing problems. Interest in the language of imagery is caused by the introduction, in the linguistics sphere, of a new paradigm, the center of which is the personality of the speaker (the subject of the language). Particularly noteworthy is the question of the place of the image when discussing the lexical, phraseological values ​​and the relationship of imagery and metaphors. In part, the formation of a metaphor, as an interaction between two intellective entities, occurs at a cognitive level, and it is the category of the image, having cognitive roots, which aides in the correct interpretation of the results of this process on the lexical-semantic level.

New Ways of Vocabulary Enlargement

Lexical invariants, being a sort of stereotypes within the frames of ordinary consciousness, are created by the members of a language community as a result of uniform division of reality. The invariant meaning is formed in person’s mind gradually in the course of different actualizations of secondary meanings in various contexts. We understand lexical the invariant as abstract language essence containing a set of semantic components. In one of its configurations it is the basis or all or a number of the meanings making up the semantic structure of the word.

The Studying of The “Бақыт”(“Happiness”) Concept In The Kazakh Language

The given article deals with the usage of the concept in many spheres of science, including its place in the Kazakh linguistics One of such concepts is the role of the “бақыт” (“happiness”) concept in the Kazakh outlook. The work tells us about its studying. The data about studying of the “happiness” concept in the sphere of philosophy, psychology, cognitive linguistics, lingo cultural study, logics, psycho-linguistic are given in this work. Particularly dwelling at length on the studying level of the concept in the sphere of cognitive linguistics, analysis have been made pertaining linguist point of views. It was pointed out that the concept of “happiness” hasn’t been studied yet in the Kazakh linguistics and it is necessary to find out the meaning of the language units related to this concept, i.e. blessings, proverbs, sayings and phrasiological units.