Abstract: Wireless networks are getting more and more used
in every new technology or feature, especially those without
infrastructure (Ad hoc mode) which provide a low cost alternative
to the infrastructure mode wireless networks and a great flexibility
for application domains such as environmental monitoring, smart
cities, precision agriculture, and so on. These application domains
present a common characteristic which is the need of coexistence and
intercommunication between modules belonging to different types
of ad hoc networks like wireless sensor networks, mesh networks,
mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks, etc. This vision
to bring to life such heterogeneous networks will make humanity
duties easier but its development path is full of challenges. One
of these challenges is the communication complexity between its
components due to the lack of common or compatible protocols
standard. This article proposes a new patented routing protocol based
on the OLSR standard in order to resolve the heterogeneous ad hoc
networks communication issue. This new protocol is applied on a
specific network architecture composed of MANET, VANET, and
Abstract: The context aware adaptive routing protocol is presented for unicast communication in intermittently connected mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The selection of the node is done by the Kalman filter prediction theory and it also makes use of utility functions. The context aware adaptive routing is defined by spray and wait technique, but the time consumption in delivering the message is too high and also the resource wastage is more. In this paper, we describe the spray and focus routing scheme for avoiding the existing problems.
Abstract: The scheduling based routing scheme is presented in this paper to avoid link failure. The main objective of this system is to introduce a cross-layer protocol framework that integrates routing with priority-based traffic management and distributed transmission scheduling. The reservation scheme is based on ID. The presented scheme guarantees that bandwidth reserved time slot is used by another packet in which end-to-end reservation is achieved. The Bandwidth and Delay Aware Routing Protocol with Scheduling Algorithm is presented to allocate channels efficiently. The experimental results show that the presented schemes performed well in various parameters compared to existing methods.
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless communication network where nodes that are not within direct transmission range establish their communication via the help of other nodes to forward data. Routing protocols in MANETs are usually categorized as proactive. Tree Based Opportunistic Routing (TBOR) finds a multipath link based on maximum probability of the throughput. The simulation results show that the presented method is performed very well compared to the existing methods in terms of throughput, delay and routing overhead.
Abstract: Opportunistic Routing (OR) increases the
transmission reliability and network throughput. Traditional routing
protocols preselects one or more predetermined nodes before
transmission starts and uses a predetermined neighbor to forward a
packet in each hop. The opportunistic routing overcomes the
drawback of unreliable wireless transmission by broadcasting one
transmission can be overheard by manifold neighbors. The first
cooperation-optimal protocol for Multirate OR (COMO) used to
achieve social efficiency and prevent the selfish behavior of the
nodes. The novel link-correlation-aware OR improves the
performance by exploiting the miscellaneous low correlated forward
links. Context aware Adaptive OR (CAOR) uses active suppression
mechanism to reduce packet duplication. The Context-aware OR
(COR) can provide efficient routing in mobile networks. By using
Cooperative Opportunistic Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
(CORMAN), the problem of opportunistic data transfer can be
tackled. While comparing to all the protocols, COMO is the best as it
achieves social efficiency and prevents the selfish behavior of the
Abstract: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is a collection
of mobile devices forming a communication network without
infrastructure. MANET is vulnerable to security threats due to
network’s limited security, dynamic topology, scalability and the lack
of central management. The Quality of Service (QoS) routing in such
networks is limited by network breakage caused by node mobility or
nodes energy depletions. The impact of node mobility on trust
establishment is considered and its use to propagate trust through a
network is investigated in this paper. This work proposes an
enhanced Associativity Based Routing (ABR) with Fuzzy based
Trust (Fuzzy- ABR) routing protocol for MANET to improve QoS
and to mitigate network attacks.
Abstract: Mobile Ad hoc Network is a set of self-governing
nodes which communicate through wireless links. Dynamic topology
MANETs makes routing a challenging task. Various routing
protocols are there, but due to various fundamental characteristic
open medium, changing topology, distributed collaboration and
constrained capability, these protocols are tend to various types of
security attacks. Black hole is one among them. In this attack,
malicious node represents itself as having the shortest path to the
destination but that path not even exists. In this paper, we aim to
develop a routing protocol for detection and prevention of black hole
attack by modifying AODV routing protocol. This protocol is able to
detect and prevent the black hole attack. Simulation is done using
NS-2, which shows the improvement in network performance.
Abstract: Nature is the immense gifted source for solving
complex problems. It always helps to find the optimal solution to
solve the problem. Mobile Ad Hoc NETwork (MANET) is a wide
research area of networks which has set of independent nodes. The
characteristics involved in MANET’s are Dynamic, does not depend
on any fixed infrastructure or centralized networks, High mobility.
The Bio-Inspired algorithms are mimics the nature for solving
optimization problems opening a new era in MANET. The typical
Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms are Ant Colony Optimization
(ACO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO), Modified Termite Algorithm, Bat Algorithm (BA), Wolf
Search Algorithm (WSA) and so on. This work mainly concentrated
on nature of MANET and behavior of nodes. Also it analyses various
performance metrics such as throughput, QoS and End-to-End delay
Abstract: Nature is a great source of inspiration for solving
complex problems in networks. It helps to find the optimal solution.
Metaheuristic algorithm is one of the nature-inspired algorithm which
helps in solving routing problem in networks. The dynamic features,
changing of topology frequently and limited bandwidth make the
routing, challenging in MANET. Implementation of appropriate
routing algorithms leads to the efficient transmission of data in
mobile ad hoc networks. The algorithms that are inspired by the
principles of naturally-distributed/collective behavior of social
colonies have shown excellence in dealing with complex
optimization problems. Thus some of the bio-inspired metaheuristic
algorithms help to increase the efficiency of routing in ad hoc
networks. This survey work presents the overview of bio-inspired
metaheuristic algorithms which support the efficiency of routing in
mobile ad hoc networks.
Abstract: Opportunistic routing is used, where the network has
the features like dynamic topology changes and intermittent network
connectivity. In Delay tolerant network or Disruption tolerant
network opportunistic forwarding technique is widely used. The key
idea of opportunistic routing is selecting forwarding nodes to forward
data packets and coordination among these nodes to avoid duplicate
transmissions. This paper gives the analysis of pros and cons of
various opportunistic routing techniques used in MANET.
Abstract: Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a network without infrastructure dynamically formed by autonomous system of mobile nodes that are connected via wireless links. Mobile nodes communicate with each other on the fly. In this network each node also acts as a router. The battery power and the bandwidth are very scarce resources in this network. The network lifetime and connectivity of nodes depend on battery power. Therefore, energy is a valuable constraint which should be efficiently used. In this paper we survey various energy efficient routing protocols. The energy efficient routing protocols are classified on the basis of approaches they use to minimize the energy consumption. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the research work and combine the existing solution and to develop a more energy efficient routing mechanism.
Abstract: The quality of video transmitted by mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) can be influenced by several factors, including protocol layers; parameter settings of each protocol. In this paper, we are concerned with understanding the functional relationship between these influential factors and objective video quality in MANETs. We illustrate a systematic statistical design of experiments (DOE) strategy can be used to analyze MANET parameters and performance. Using a 2k factorial design, we quantify the main and interactive effects of 7 factors on a response metric (i.e., mean opinion score (MOS) calculated by PSNR with Evalvid package) we then develop a first-order linear regression model between the influential factors and the performance metric.
Abstract: The conventional routing protocol designed for MANET fail to handle dynamic movement and self-starting behavior of the node effectively. Every node in MANET is considered as forward as well receiver node and all of them participate in routing the packet from source to the destination. While the interconnection topology is highly dynamic, the performance of the most of the routing protocol is not encouraging. In this paper, a reliable broadcast approach for MANET is proposed for improving the transmission rate. The MANET is considered with asymmetric characteristics and the properties of the source and destination nodes are different. The non-forwarding node list is generated with a downstream node and they do not participate in the routing. While the forwarding and non-forwarding node is constructed in a conventional way, the number of nodes in non-forwarding list is more and increases the load. In this work, we construct the forwarding and non-forwarding node optimally so that the flooding and broadcasting is reduced to certain extent. The forwarded packet is considered as acknowledgements and the non-forwarding nodes explicitly send the acknowledgements to the source. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in NS2 environment. Since the proposed approach reduces the flooding, we have considered functionality of the proposed approach with AODV variants. The effect of network density on the overhead and collision rate is considered for performance evaluation. The performance is compared with the AODV variants found that the proposed approach outperforms all the variants.
Abstract: Privacy and Security have emerged as an important research issue in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) due to its unique nature such as scarce of resources and absence of centralized authority. There are number of protocols have been proposed to provide privacy and security for data communication in an adverse environment, but those protocols are compromised in many ways by the attackers. The concept of anonymity (in terms of unlinkability and unobservability) and pseudonymity has been introduced in this paper to ensure privacy and security. In this paper, a Secure Onion Throat (SOT) protocol is proposed to provide complete anonymity in an adverse environment. The SOT protocol is designed based on the combination of group signature and onion routing with ID-based encryption for route discovery. The security analysis demonstrates the performance of SOT protocol against all categories of attacks. The simulation results ensure the necessity and importance of the proposed SOT protocol in achieving such anonymity.
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self configuring network, without any centralized control. The topology of this network is not always defined. The main objective of this paper is to introduce the fundamental concepts of MANETs to the researchers and practitioners, who are involved in the work in the area of modeling and simulation of MANETs. This paper begins with an overview of mobile ad hoc networks. Then it proceeds with the overview of routing protocols used in the MANETS, their properties and simulation methods. A brief tabular comparison between the routing protocols is also given in this paper considering different routing protocol parameters. This paper introduces a new routing scheme developed by the use of evolutionary algorithms (EA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) which will be used for getting the optimized output of MANET. In this paper cryptographic technique, ceaser cipher is also employed for making the optimized route secure.
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc network is a collection of mobile
nodes communicating through wireless channels without any existing
network infrastructure or centralized administration. Because of the
limited transmission range of wireless network interfaces, multiple
"hops" may be needed to exchange data across the network. In order
to facilitate communication within the network, a routing protocol is
used to discover routes between nodes. The primary goal of such an
ad hoc network routing protocol is correct and efficient route
establishment between a pair of nodes so that messages may be
delivered in a timely manner. Route construction should be done
with a minimum of overhead and bandwidth consumption. This paper
examines two routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks– the
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), the table- driven
protocol and the Ad hoc On- Demand Distance Vector routing
(AODV), an On –Demand protocol and evaluates both protocols
based on packet delivery fraction, normalized routing load, average
delay and throughput while varying number of nodes, speed and
pause time.
Abstract: Topological changes in mobile ad hoc networks
frequently render routing paths unusable. Such recurrent path failures
have detrimental effects on quality of service. A suitable technique
for eliminating this problem is to use multiple backup paths between
the source and the destination in the network. This paper proposes an
effective and efficient protocol for backup and disjoint path set in ad
hoc wireless network. This protocol converges to a highly reliable
path set very fast with no message exchange overhead. The paths
selection according to this algorithm is beneficial for mobile ad hoc
networks, since it produce a set of backup paths with more high
reliability. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the
performance of our algorithm in terms of route numbers in the path
set and its reliability. In order to acquire link reliability estimates, we
use link expiration time (LET) between two nodes.
Abstract: Nodes in mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) do not
rely on a central infrastructure but relay packets originated by other
nodes. Mobile ad hoc networks can work properly only if the
participating nodes collaborate in routing and forwarding. For
individual nodes it might be advantageous not to collaborate, though.
In this conceptual paper we propose a new approach based on
relationship among the nodes which makes them to cooperate in an
Adhoc environment. The trust unit is used to calculate the trust
values of each node in the network. The calculated trust values are
being used by the relationship estimator to determine the relationship
status of nodes. The proposed enhanced protocol was compared with
the standard DSR protocol and the results are analyzed using the
network simulator-2.
Abstract: Ad hoc networks are characterized by multihop wireless connectivity, frequently changing network topology and the need for efficient dynamic routing protocols. We compare the performance of three routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), location-aided routing (LAR1).Our evaluation is based on energy consumption in mobile ad hoc networks. The performance differentials are analyzed using varying network load, mobility, and network size. We simulate protocols with GLOMOSIM simulator. Based on the observations, we make recommendations about when the performance of either protocol can be best.
Abstract: Due to the limited lifetime of the nodes in ad hoc and sensor networks, energy efficiency needs to be an important design consideration in any routing algorithm. It is known that by employing a virtual backbone in a wireless network, the efficiency of any routing scheme for the network can be improved. One common design for routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks is to use positioning information; we use the node-s geometric locations to introduce an algorithm that can construct the virtual backbone structure locally in 3D environment. The algorithm construction has a constant time.