Web Search Engine Based Naming Procedure for Independent Topic

In recent years, the number of document data has been
increasing since the spread of the Internet. Many methods have been
studied for extracting topics from large document data. We proposed
Independent Topic Analysis (ITA) to extract topics independent of
each other from large document data such as newspaper data. ITA is a
method for extracting the independent topics from the document data
by using the Independent Component Analysis. The topic represented
by ITA is represented by a set of words. However, the set of words
is quite different from the topics the user imagines. For example,
the top five words with high independence of a topic are as follows.
Topic1 = {"scor", "game", "lead", "quarter", "rebound"}. This Topic
1 is considered to represent the topic of "SPORTS". This topic name
"SPORTS" has to be attached by the user. ITA cannot name topics.
Therefore, in this research, we propose a method to obtain topics easy
for people to understand by using the web search engine, topics given
by the set of words given by independent topic analysis. In particular,
we search a set of topical words, and the title of the homepage of
the search result is taken as the topic name. And we also use the
proposed method for some data and verify its effectiveness.

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