The Effect of Drought Stress on Grain Yield, Yield Components and Protein Content of Durum Wheat Cultivars in Ilam Province, Iran

In order to study the effect of drought stress on grain
yield, yield components and associated traits of durum wheat
cultivars, an experiment was done as split plot arrangement using
randomized complete block design with three replications in Ilam
province, Iran in 2009-2010 cropping season. Different levels of
irrigation (Full irrigation, drought stress at stem elongation,
Flowering and grain formation stages) were considered as a main plot
and three durum wheat cultivars (Yavaros, Seimareh and Karkheh)
were assigned as a sub plot. The results showed that drought stress
was significant on grain yield, spike.m-2, grain. Spike-1, 1000-grain
weight, biological yield, harvest index and protein content. Drought
stress at all stages caused a loss in grain yield and its components.
Full irrigation had the highest grain yield and yield components.
Drought stress at stem elongation, flowering and grain formation
stages caused a reduction in spike.m-2, grain.spike-1 and 1000-grain
weight, respectively. Protein content was significantly affected by
drought stress. The highest protein content was obtained from
drought stress at grain formation stage. Cultivars had an influence on
grain yield and yield components. Yavaros and Seimareh cultivars
had the highest and lowest grain yield, respectively. Interaction effect
between drought stress and cultivar had a significant effect on grain
and yield components. Full irrigation and Yavaros cultivar had the
highest grain yield and drought stress at grain formation stage and
Seimareh cultivar had the lowest grain yield, respectively.

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