Scattering Operator and Spectral Clustering for Ultrasound Images: Application on Deep Venous Thrombi

Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a
thrombus is formed within a deep vein (most often in the legs). This
disease can be deadly if a part or the whole thrombus reaches the
lung and causes a Pulmonary Embolism (PE). This disorder, often
asymptomatic, has multifactorial causes: immobilization, surgery,
pregnancy, age, cancers, and genetic variations. Our project aims to
relate the thrombus epidemiology (origins, patient predispositions,
PE) to its structure using ultrasound images. Ultrasonography and
elastography were collected using Toshiba Aplio 500 at Brest
Hospital. This manuscript compares two classification approaches:
spectral clustering and scattering operator. The former is based on
the graph and matrix theories while the latter cascades wavelet
convolutions with nonlinear modulus and averaging operators.

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